marry me (today and every day) [pg-13] jared/jensen

May 25, 2011 21:50

Title: marry me (today and every day)
Author: enablelove
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU. Unapologetic schm♥♥p.
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 1058
For: schmoop_bingo table - love song
Summary: Jensen sings Jared a love song. A proposal song.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is self indulgent schmoop I decided to write because it’s my birthday and I can do what I want ;) Unbetaed because my usual beta has no internet. I hope you enjoy ♥ Title and included song from Train’s ‘Marry Me’. It’s a beautiful song.

Jared opens the door to his and Jensen’s apartment and stops just inside the doorway, staring at the transformation of his living room and dining room.

There are rose petals and candles everywhere, and the sofa has been pushed against the wall. A blanket lies on the floor with two candleholders and lit candles. There’s a picnic basket, too, and the aroma wafting from it has Jared’s stomach grumbling even more than usual.

“You gonna stand there all day, stud, or you gonna sit down?” Jensen’s amused voice filters in. Jared looks up and sees Jensen watching him as he leans oh so casually against the wall. Jared shuts the door and walks over to where Jensen’s standing, pulling him into their usual hello kiss, a bit deeper than normal because Jensen deserves it for pulling out the stops.

“What’s all this?” Jared asks when he finally pulls back.

Jensen shrugs. “You’ve been having a rough couple of weeks so I thought a relaxing night in would be a welcome treat.”

“Oh Jensen, you already know I’m a sure thing,” Jared drawls, Texan accent coming out. He punctuates the statement with a wink. Jensen huffs and pushes him away, starting to walk towards the blanket in the middle of the room.

“See if I put out now,” Jensen says, but Jared knows he’s bluffing. He’s touched that Jensen did all this for him.

Jared stops Jensen from moving too far; his chest pressed to Jensen’s back and kisses the spot right below his neck, grinning when Jensen shivers almost imperceptibly. Jared’s gotten really good at reading the guy after years spent in each other’s spaces.

“Thank you,” he whispers in Jensen’s ear.

“Say that after you’ve tasted it. I tried my hardest, but you know I’m not the most world’s best cook. I have Dr. Bomer on speed dial anyway, just in case.”

Jared laughs and feels a rush of affection for Jensen. Even though he can’t cook worth a damn, he still made all this effort. It kind of makes Jared wonder how out of it he’s been if Jensen’s had so much time to practice.

“I’m sure we won’t need to call him up,” Jared assures him. “I have an iron stomach remember?”

“You might. I’m not so sure about me,” Jensen quips and Jared laughs again, sitting down cross-legged on the floor across from Jensen as he starts pulling out delicious smelling food. Food that looks to be all of Jared’s favorites.

Jared knows Jensen won’t want a big deal made of all this, so he just pulls Jensen into another deep kiss, loving the way Jensen’s cheeks still flush after all this time.

Jensen also pulls out a wine bottle and two wine glasses out of the picnic basket, causing Jared to let out a whistle. It seems like Jensen is definitely looking to get laid. It has been awhile. Jared uncorks the bottle and pours some for each of them, inhaling the aromatic scent. Jared loves wine and loves all the subtle flavors differentiating each year and kind.

They eat in comfortable silence, random bits of conversation thrown in if they feel like it, but talking really isn’t necessary at this point. Jared finishes his plate, all but licking it clean.

“Damn Jensen, you did good,” he says, reclining a bit so he can actually breathe from how stuffed he is. Jensen has that adorable blush again.

“Hold that thought,” he says, biting the corner of his bottom lip like he does when he’s nervous. He clears their area, putting everything back in the picnic basket and setting it aside. He sits on his knees across from Jared, taking a deep breath like he’s psyching himself up for something before pulling out their stereo remote control from his pocket and pressing a couple of buttons. Jared is starting to get nervous, not quite sure what Jensen has in store.

Notes flow from the stereo, a melody that sounds familiar yet Jared can’t place. There are no words, but then Jensen starts to sing. It’s low and husky first, getting stronger as he says more lines. Jared’s caught up in the sight, watching as Jensen stares at him, emotion belting from his very core. Jared finally tunes in to what Jensen’s saying as he pushes up on one knee and reaches into his pocket again.

I'll wear out the words I love you
And you're beautiful

Jensen pulls out a black velvet box, the type you get at a jewelers place. Jared feels like he can’t breathe, throat choked up with emotion.

Marry me
Today and everyday

Jensen flips the box open and a platinum ring shines in the light, twinkling invitingly. Jared looks from the ring to Jensen as Jensen says the last chorus, voice dying out and music still playing.

Jensen looks so hopeful and scared like there’s any other answer in the world Jared’s going to say.

“Yes, of course yes, you idiot,” Jared cries, all but tackling Jensen to the ground and kissing him breathless. Jensen laughs into the kiss, flipping them over and peppering Jared’s entire face with soft kisses, murmuring loving words in between.

Jensen sits up so he’s straddling Jared’s stomach and pulls out the ring. Jared sees a glint of something on the inside and sits up a little, tugging Jensen’s hand so he can read the inscription inside.

forever can never be long enough

Jared is not the crying type, he really isn’t no matter how often Jensen calls him a girl, but he can feel tears start to form in his eyes. He’s gotten so lucky to have this man on top of him be his. His best friend. His confidante. His lover. His life partner.

He drags Jensen’s head down in a heated kiss, unable to voice all his feelings. They pull back out of breath, gasping against each other’s mouths.

“I love you,” Jared says softly. They don’t say it all the time, not needing to because they each know how the other feels.

“I know,” Jensen responds just as softly, sliding the ring on Jared’s left ring finger. He kisses the spot where metal meets skin, whispering a soft promise of forever, and Jared shudders.

“Engagement sex time?” Jared asks, tilting his head towards their bedroom. Jensen nods.

“Engagement sex time.”

type: schmoop, au, challenge: schmoop_bingo, wc: 1000-1999, birthday fic, rating: pg-13, proposal

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