(nano shots) in a pickle, j2, pg-13, pre-slash

Nov 28, 2010 23:10

Title: in a pickle
Author enablelove
Character(s)/Pairing: Jared/Jensen pre-slash (AU)
Theme: Nano-Shots Special Table 2010 at spn_30snapshots
Prompt(s): 30. writer’s choice - pickle
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, unfortunately.
Summary: Jared and Jensen talk.
Words: 495
For: mini_nanowrimo (thanks Rona!)
A/N: Sequel to yesterday’s fic just what the doctor ordered. Still pre-slash.

Jared looks down at Jensen in the bed and has to resist touching him because he looks so small and vulnerable in the hospital bed. Jared’s never really had a thing for the people he rescues, he’s just doing his job, but this guy has a special something about him.

It might be that he’s one of the most gorgeous guys he’s seen on and off the movie screens, and Jared’s sure that this little crush of his will go away if he finds out that Jensen is an ass.

But it doesn’t seem like Jensen is anything of the sort. In fact, it seems that Jensen seems to be the opposite. The two of them start to talk, just small talk about hometowns, how they got into their professions, hobbies. Well, at least, Jared talks and Jensen uses gestures while Jared tries to figure out what he’s talking about. Jared almost hurts himself laughing a few times because Jensen’s look when he’s trying to concentrate and make Jared understand is absolutely adorable and hilarious.

Jensen’s grin, bright and genuine, when Jared figures out what he’s trying to say makes the insane hand waving completely worth it.

Jared tries not to make it seem like it’s a first date, but the conversations they’re having are all things he would talk about with his first date.

Jensen doesn’t seem to mind, though. If anything, he seems into it, which has Jared thinking that maybe it’s not such a bad idea he stayed.

The nurse comes in rolling the lunch cart and puts Jensen’s tray on the foldable table. Jensen wrinkles his nose a little in distaste at the hospital food and Jared finds that one expression his favorite so far. Jensen rolls the pickle gently and as quickly as possible far away from the rest of the food, so it isn’t touching anything. He makes another face at it before he starts to dig in.

“You don’t like pickles?” Jared asks.

Jensen shakes his head vehemently, sticking his tongue out and scrunching his eyes in a disgusted way. Jared laughs at the face, noticing how childlike Jensen looks when he does that.

And then it hits Jared; he seriously likes Jensen. Like wants to date him, be his boyfriend, likes Jensen. He makes some excuse about having to leave for some errands. It’s clear that Jensen doesn’t believe him from the raised eyebrows and slightly hurt look, but Jared needs to go home and talk to someone about this; he doesn’t do relationships often. He can’t risk it with his job and all.

He promises Jensen he’ll be back, which seems to appease him a little bit, and rushes out of the hospital. Jared needs to sort himself out first before he tries anything with Jensen because he knows that he wants a lot more than what he’s used.

He’s put himself in a position, in a pickle you could say, about what to do now.

Next: a promise he can keep


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