A Befuddled Bodyguard [PG-13] Jared/Jensen, Cliff

Jan 06, 2009 16:43

Title: A Befuddled Bodyguard
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Outsider POV. Humor? hopefully
Word Count: 878
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Cliff thinks the boys need to shut up.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is dedicated to the fabulous clubinthesky who wanted Cliff!fic and since I am apparently her fic h0r, I had to do it for her ;) Hope you like it bb! This is also for the amazing moonlitdark who listened to me whine and held my hand and basically gave me the ideas for this. Thank you so much darlin’!

Apparently Cliff was destined to get no sleep tonight. He reached down and picked up the broomstick he had lying next to his bed. He sat up a little and held it so the handle was facing the ceiling and knocked it against the ceiling, hard and fast. The noises stopped, blessed silence. A “Sorry Cliff!” rang out and the noises resumed, a bit quieter at least.

He could handle the muffled noises; they weren’t the issue. It was when loud shouts of, “Fuck!” and “Oh my god” and “Damn it Jay!” rang out that made him a bit worried, a bit red, and a bit curious to know what exactly was going on. On one hand, it totally sounded like they were getting down and dirty, on the other? Knowing Jared and Jensen, they could just be playing Jared’s XBOX or something.

They were probably playing his XBOX. There were faint sounds of beeps and guns and talking…he hoped. He really hoped he wasn’t imagining all the noises of possible games just to convince himself. Because he really liked this job, the boys were easy to get along with and didn’t attract too much trouble. He didn’t want to get fired for hallucinating and going insane just to make sure they weren’t having sex.

Cliff heard faint groans and moans and hushed whispers too though, so maybe he was going crazy. But they couldn’t be that loud with him right beneath them. Right? They had to know he was right there. They had to know that the walls were pretty much paper-thin and thus the ceiling/floor was too. And Cliff had already banged against the ceiling so Jared and Jensen knew he could hear them. Unless they were too caught up in the moment and…. no, he wasn’t going to go there. They were just playing a game and getting really excited. That’s what the thumping noise was, had to be.

Or you know the thumping noise mixed with the game noise mixed with the groans could be some new sex game Jared and Jensen came up with. He was imagining all these weird things going on upstairs, like kisses and hand jobs for points and yeah… it was making him just a tad uncomfortable. He wasn’t actually sure if it was the good way or the bad way, and he really had to stop that train of thought before it went too far and would makes things even more awkward tomorrow morning. Another thump sounded and then some raised voices; Cliff couldn’t really make out what they were saying. Hopefully it wasn’t a fight, though that actually did make sense too. Some other noises rang out and then it was complete silence. Cliff was pondering going up there and seeing if they were okay when a low moan of, “Fuck Jay, so good” sounded from above. Shit.

He grabbed the broomstick again, not knowing what else to do because he really didn’t want to go up there and see anything. Really. Another chorus of “Sorry!” rang out and Cliff laid back down, punching his pillow and pulling the blanket over his head, trying to block out all sounds. It didn’t work, it seemed as if somehow the thumps and grunts and groans had magnified in their strength. Or it could be all in his head again. Dammit. Stupid idiot boys that had too much time on their hands and didn’t want to sleep.

Cliff was seriously contemplating telling them off because the broomstick didn’t seem to hinder any of the noises but he didn’t want to be scarred for life and then lose his job just because it was too awkward. And making a joke about threesomes may not go over well, because on one hand - not gay, and on the other hand - they were two gorgeous guys who seemed to have eyes only for each other. How the fuck did he not realize that they were probably together before he took this damn bodyguard position? He saw the pictures and the videos and the show and of them at conventions and stuff. Maybe it was an unconscious thing and it was seriously too late at night to psychoanalyze himself.

He’d wait a couple more minutes, as it seemed like they were almost down. He heard a few more hitched breaths, and some really loud gasps and finally two joint keening noises before complete silence. Finally. He rolled over to try and get comfortable and then heard hushed whispers. Seriously? They really needed the pillow talk? They were GUYS!

He sat up and grabbed the broomstick once again and banged it against the ceiling, “If you guys don’t shut up, I will come up there, separate you two, and don’t expect me to make you breakfast or dinner for at least a week. And that’s not a threat, it’s a promise!” He threw the damned broomstick against the wall and fitfully turned over a couple of times to get in the right position. He didn’t hear any more noise though, so hopefully the two idiots would go to sleep too.

Finally. Seriously, those boys either needed to quiet down or split up just so he could get some peace and quiet from now on.

Remember, comments are ♥!

wc: 500-999, outsider!pov, type: humor, gift!fic, rating: pg-13

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