Title: A Sick Boyfriend
hd_obsessionRating: PG
Warnings: Unapologetic Schmoop.
Word Count: 347
Summary: Jared is sick. Jensen has to take care of him.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is for all the sick people on my flist:
alli_everyday and anybody else feeling under the weather. Feel better ♥!
Jensen hated being sick. Nose all runny, having a sore throat, coughing up a lung, alternating between sweating off ten pounds and being bundled under the covers because he was freezing, and the puke, oh the puke.
But what he hated more than that was Jared being sick. Because he acted like a two year old. A pouty two year old that was never happy. Jensen was sure he wasn't that bad. He hoped, because if so, he wondered why Jared hadn't killed him yet.
"Jenseeeeeeeennnnnnn!!" a scratchy yell came from the direction of the bedroom. Jensen sighed and headed in that direction.
"Yes Jared," he asked, trying to force a smile on his face.
Jared looked up from where he was cuddled, freezing this time. Jensen could see the tuft of messy hair and his hazel eyes peeking from beneath the covers and he melted, anybody would at how pathetic, and adorable, his boyfriend looked.
"I'm sorry Jen, but can you get me some more water," he asked, pouting a little more and coughing a couple of times.
"Yeah, baby. Hold on." Jensen went back into the kitchen to get the millionth glass of water. He went back into the bedroom and handed the glass to Jared, who took a while getting undone from the covers.
"Thanks," he croaked, grinning at him. The grin wasn't as bright as usual, the sickness dimming it, but it was still wide and gorgeous.
"You're welcome. Think you can sleep now?"
Jared shook his head. Jensen repressed rolling his eyes, "What'd you need?"
Jared put the glass down on the side table and reached for Jensen,
"I need you. That's why I haven't been sleeping. Please?" He used those damn eyes that Jensen just could not resist. And Jared knew it from the way he smirked just a little as Jensen shuffled forward onto the bed.
"Fine, but only for a little bit. Or else you have to deal with me when I'm sick."
"Gladly, as long as that means I'm not sick," Jared mumbled, curling up against Jensen.
Remember, comments are ♥!!