This Is Our Lives On Holiday [R] J2 (for Mnemosime)

Jun 20, 2009 11:39

Title: This Is Our Lives On Holiday
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: R
Warnings: Unapologetic Schmoop.
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 2429
Summary: Five places that Jared and Jensen went on holiday.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is for mnemosime for her very belated birthday as well as a reward for finishing her exams!!! She wanted J2. Five different vacations to five different places and five different special things/moments that happened while in those vacations. I hope you like it babe ♥ Thank you to matalinolukaret for everything! (title from Green Day’s ‘Holiday’) This is also for notjustroomates prompt of summer vacations

After the show ended, Jensen finally got the Impala he had his eye on. It was the one he’d drive everyday while on set as Dean. It was his baby. He spent many years cooped up inside the beautiful car and when they finished filming the finale, Eric had told him to just keep the keys. It was probably one of the happiest days of Jensen’s life.

Jared had, of course, pouted. He wanted one of the Impala’s too but Eric had just grinned at him and told him to share with Jensen. Jensen was outraged that he had to share his precious car, but Jared had said he’d make it worth Jensen’s while. And honestly, they didn’t need two Impalas anyway. No matter how cool it would have been.

Jensen strokes the hood of the car and looks over at Jared who is beaming at him and looking at him fondly.

“Road trip?” Jensen asks and Jared nods.

“Road trip!”

They pack snacks and junk food, some sandwiches, a couple changes of clothes, and lots of Red Bull as the start in Vancouver and just drive. They can’t go for too long or too far because the Impala isn’t really built for that anymore. But Jensen feels like Sam and Dean again, driving cross-country with Jared in the passenger seat and both of them belting out ‘Highway to Hell’ and Metallica songs and other music.

They stay in hotels rather than seedy motels and Jensen gets to fuck Jared rather than just sleep in separate beds. It’s exactly what they need after the end of Supernatural. A chance for them to just be with each other - no acting jobs, no nagging director or producer, no deadlines - just them, the Impala, and the open road.

Of course they also defile the Impala itself. The drive to the edge of a cliff one day, the local ‘make out’ spot apparently and Jensen unbuckles his seat belt and climbs onto Jared's lap, straddling him.

Jared's hands automatically fly to his hips and he gets with the program when he pulls Jensen down into a filthy kiss, tongues colliding and slick heat. Shivers travel up and down Jensen's spine as Jared's mouth barely leaves his to get both their shirts off.

Jensen lifts up a little and quickly undoes his jeans as Jared undoes his own, lifting his hips to pull jeans and boxers down just enough. Jensen is loose from when he fingered himself earlier and just sinks down carefully. Jared gasps in surprise and Jensen smirks at him; he had prepared himself earlier for just this moment.

They rock against each other, a frantic pace once Jensen's finally comfortable with being achingly full. The car rocks gently with them and the windows steam. They trade kisses with each thrust and Jensen arches his back as Jared hits his prostate over and over again. Jensen knows there are going to be bruises on his hips later.

They both come almost simultaneously with loud breathless pants of each other’s names. Jensen collapses against Jared; their sweat soaked and come stained bodies sticking to each other.

The steamed windows and heated car reminds Jensen of the scene with Anna and they're going to have to defile the backseat too. Soon.

They christen the surface of the car, the back seat, even the driver’s seat, parked against the side of the road when Jared just couldn’t wait anymore and had pretty much climbed into Jensen’s lap.

Driving across America with just them and the car is definitely one of the best experiences of Jensen’s life, all because of Jared. (And the Impala plays a crucial role too, but Jensen’s not telling Jared.)


Jensen and Jared decided to take a trip all across Europe for their first time off at the same time in two years. They still lived together in LA, had a house in Vancouver, and saw each other all the time. They only saw each other for a couple of days, though, not enough to just talk and hang out and do whatever they wanted. It was rushed and nowhere near enough time to just be together.

So the first chance their schedules actually coincided, they decided to take a trip to Europe with their first stop in Paris.

They are standing in front of the Eiffel tower and Jared is asking Jensen to take pictures of him and Jensen obliges. Jared mimes kissing with a baguette, he makes stupid poses like he’s dancing the robot, or doing disco, and he even pretends to be a mime stuck in a box. Jensen laughs helplessly at his dork boyfriend, who even though he’s being silly, looks absolutely amazing in the waning sunlight.

Jared then makes a fishy kissy face at Jensen and Jensen snaps a picture before leaning over and kissing him, not even realizing that they’re out in public-in Paris of all places.

Jared’s lips are frozen in shock but then he leans in closer and kisses him, soft and sweet.

When they pull apart, Jared raises an eyebrow at him in question and Jensen just shrugs. He doesn’t care if the whole world knows anymore. If he wants to, he’ll kiss his boyfriend wherever and whenever, public image be damned. He says as much and Jared’s face lights up in the hugest grins Jensen’s seen and Jared just leans over to pull him into another kiss again.

Jensen actually feels lighter than air at being able to finally kiss his boyfriend without worrying about what other people think. It’s exhilarating and exciting and Jensen can’t believe he was so bothered about it before.


It’s been a perfect day in Rome. They saw the sights, the beautiful architecture (like the Coliseum where Jared posed gladiator style in front of it and made Jensen take some pictures of course), shopped for souvenirs, and had some amazing food. Their last stop of the day was the Trevi Fountain. The sun had set while they were eating and the fountain was lit and looked absolutely gorgeous.

Jensen and Jared both lean over the edge and sees coins sparkling in the water and Jared, of course, wants to make a wish. He stands with his back facing the fountain, and tosses a gold coin over his shoulder, eyes shut tight and lips mouthing his wish. He looks gorgeous with his hair in disarray and shoulders hunched like he’s wishing with everything he has, and a flutter swoops through Jensen’s stomach at the sight in front of him.

“I love you,” he blurts and Jared’s eyes fly open and Jensen slaps a palm over his mouth. It’s been two and a half years into their relationship and he never once said he loved Jared. He knows he felt it, and he knows Jared loves him, but he could never make that final leap.

Jared’s eyes are wide, like he’s not quite sure he heard right and now that the words are just out there…

“I love you,” Jensen repeats, pulling his hand away from his mouth.

Jared grabs hold of his shirt and yanks him into a passionate kiss, ignoring the wolf whistles and catcalls around them, focusing on those lips and that wicked tongue.

“I love you. I love you so much Jared,” Jensen says between kisses, unable to say anything else.

“I love you too Jensen, and my wish came true. Sort of,” Jared says as they finally pull apart, both of them flushed with swollen lips.

“Sort of?” Jensen questions.

“I asked for the perfect end to a perfect day,” Jared says, ducking his head because it is kinda sappy.

Jensen lifts Jared’s chin up with his finger and kisses him again.

“It was perfect wasn’t it?” Jensen says and grabs hold of Jared’s hand, “Let’s make it even more amazing. In our hotel room.”

Jared laughs, that laugh that makes Jensen smile too, every single time, and he can’t believe he waited so long to utter those three words.


After France and Italy, Jared and Jensen decided to hit the United Kingdom, London in particular. They saw Big Ben, made fun of the guards who never smiled, tried to see the Queen, and then they finally get on the London Eye. It is a beautiful sight to see, the entire expanse of London lies before them.

Jared, though, Jared looks upset after they have done a couple of rounds. He’s green around the edges, pale, and almost quivering, clinging the jacket to himself.

Jensen kneels in front of Jared, thankful that they got their pod all to themselves, something that was quite rare, but they lucked out.

“What’s wrong baby?” Jensen asks him, wiping the cold sweat off Jared’s forehead.

“Don’ feel so good,” Jared mumbles, trying to wrap the jacket even tighter around him. Jensen sits on the seat next to him and holds Jared close, whispering soothing words that mean absolutely nothing into his ear. He hadn’t realized that Jared had been feeling a bit under the weather that morning, more excited to go sightseeing and see everything.

He rubs his hand up and down Jared’s arms, trying to warm him up, and Jared cuddles in close, pressing a soft kiss wherever he can reach, which turns out to be Jensen’s neck. It tickles because Jared hasn’t shaved in a day or two and Jensen tries his hardest not to shiver because while it does tickle, it also feels amazing.

Jensen doesn’t want to go into dangerous territory though, not with a sick Jared in his arms.

Jared mutters something, but it’s muffled because of Jensen’s neck and shirt. He pulls back and asks Jared to repeat what he said.

“Marry me,” Jared says and Jensen’s mouth drops open in shock.

“What?” he asks, unable to believe what he’s hearing. Jared’s eyes drop to his shoes, and he hunches further into himself and Jensen feels like a total ass.

“Hey,” Jensen says, tugging Jared close again, “of course I’ll marry you. Who else will have me huh?”

Jared pulls back and looks at him, eyes staring into Jensen’s, trying to see whether or not he’s lying and Jensen tries to look as sincere as possible. Jared curls into him again before saying something else.

“Ring is back at the hotel. Forgot it. Wanted the moment to be special,” he says and Jensen is shocked yet again. Jared has been planning this? But it does make sense now, Jensen losing his ring that he always wore then Jared miraculously finding it, Jared and Jensen’s mama talking more and more, and other little things.

Jensen tangles their fingers together and kisses Jared’s knuckles; this trip is turning into one of the most amazing vacations in Jensen’s life.


Planning a wedding is never easy, especially not with two overbearing mama's. Two overbearing Texan mamas. Jensen never knew that the color of the freaking tablecloths mattered so much and only found this out after he got the ‘Oh My God’ gasp from his mama when he said that both the table cloths were white the gasp sounded as if Jensen had just told her he liked to kill baby animals or something rather than he was color blind. Thus, he and Jared try to stay out of the wedding as much as possible.

But their mamas do know them and the hall looks absolutely amazing, simple yet elegant. Both of them are wearing tailored suits and as Jensen glances over at his future husband, he appreciates the crisp lines, the pale pink shirt (that was one thing Jared wouldn’t budge on), shoes that are actually close toed, and hair that’s wavy yet still tame, he can’t believe he’s going to marry this man. In Texas of all places, somewhere he never thought he’d get the chance. It hasn’t been home in many years, but it’s the obvious choice for their wedding.

They exchange gold bands engraved with the date as well as forever, and then they are finally pronounced husband and husband and Jensen pulls Jared down for a kiss. A chaste one, because they’re still in Texas and in front of his mama after all.

Jensen and Jared get in the limo parked out front that will take them to the reception. As soon as they’re both inside, Jared starts kissing him more enthusiastically, lips and tongue and teeth, and Jensen gets with the program, kissing back just as hard. Their tongues dance, exploring each other’s mouths, and hands roam, stroking everything within reach.

Jared’s hand moves to Jensen’s pants and he quickly unbuttons and unzips, stroking Jensen’s cock to hardness. They haven’t seen each other in three days, per both their wishes to not see each other before the wedding, so Jensen knows he won’t last long.

Jared flicks his wrist and strokes just the way Jensen likes and Jensen barely has time to give Jared warning before he comes in Jared’s hand. Jared grabs some tissues that are conveniently on the other seat and wipes his hand as much as he can, licking the web between his index and middle finger, eyes locking with Jensen. Jensen shifts a little, unable to believe that he has that quick of a recovery time and instead leans forward to kiss Jared again, his hand moving to the front of Jared’s pants.

He falls to his knees in front of him, not even caring if his pants are going to get dirty and engulfs Jared’s cock in his mouth. He sucks the head before going deeper until all of Jared is inside. He bobs his head before pulling off and licking stripes along the shaft. Jared is gasping and moaning above him, hand tightening on Jensen’s shoulder and Jensen knows he’s close too. A couple more licks and Jared makes a whimper that tells Jensen he’s almost done. Jensen sucks just the head into his mouth, and sucks hard and just like that Jared comes, filling Jensen’s mouth.

He swallows all of it and Jared pulls him up into a kiss again just as their driver beeps letting them know they’ve reached the hall. They smile silly grins at each other and try to straighten each other as much as possible but everyone is going to know they fucked around in the backseat of a limo anyway.

It’s his own husband, at his own wedding, so it’s not like it matters and Jensen gets a little thrill at that. Husband. He can’t wait for the rest of his life calling Jared that.

rating: r, wc: 2000-2999, type: schmoop, birthday fic, wedding!fic, type: porn

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