Saturday Morning Snuggling

Mar 04, 2009 22:29

Title: Saturday Morning Snuggling
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: G
Warnings: Unapologetic Schmoop.
Word Count: 400
Summary: The thing about Jared is that he is like a furnace.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is for wendy and I know this isn’t exactly what you wanted hon, but I still hope that you like it. This is also for clubinthesky because I adore her like no other, and she kind of gave me the idea a while ago.

The thing about Jared is that he is like a furnace - he emits warmth all the damn time. And Jensen loves that about him, because it’s Jared’s heat that keeps Jensen warm on cold Vancouver mornings.

The other thing about Jared is that he loves his Saturday morning cartoons. And that, unfortunately, means the loss of a lot of heat for Jensen. So every Saturday, Jensen wakes up freezing because the bed is cold. Because his human heater is sitting in front of the TV, not in bed like he’s supposed to be.

So Jensen, shivering, reaches over to the side table to put on his glasses because otherwise he’d walk into the wall. Although, even with them on, he’s walked into it a couple of times. There’s less risk of banging his head with them on though. He wraps the comforter tightly around himself and heads downstairs, wary of tripping or running into anything.

Jared is sprawled on the sofa, limbs every which way, and laughing at the TV, eyes fixed on the screen. He always glances up when he sees Jensen and smiles that half smile meant just for Jensen. And if Jensen wasn’t so cold and sleepy and it wasn’t so damn early in the morning, he would definitely appreciate the sight that Jared makes - warm and sleepy and gorgeous. Jared opens his arms a little beckoning Jensen into them and Jensen doesn’t hesitate, he just walks over to where Jared lies and pretty much climbs on top of him. Jared’s arms automatically come around him, holding him close. He instantly feels a lot warmer as soon as their bodies touch, and he lets out a contented sigh. Jensen unwraps the blanket from himself a bit to cover them both.

He tucks himself against Jared, head resting on Jared’s shoulder and puffs of breath released against Jared’s neck, which is luckily not one of the ticklish parts of Jared’s body. He is ticklish everywhere else though, and Jensen exploits that little fact as often as possible.

Jared’s fingers run through Jensen’s hair absentmindedly and he presses a kiss against Jensen’s forehead before turning the volume on the television down a little and continuing to watch Bugs Bunny or whoever else is prancing around on screen. Jensen is lulled to sleep by Jared’s deep breaths, the warmth surrounding him, and the soft sounds of the cartoon characters.

wc: less than 500, type: schmoop, gift!fic, rating: g

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