new layout !! is it a keeper? please let me know if you like =] i think i might actually keep this one for a while anywho, hehe.
alright, so today i am just babysitting and if tierra is allowed she might come over tonight. though i haven't asked her yet. my mom doesn't want to go to practice i guess we aren't. and i really like going, so she trys to make it up to me and says "well you have tierra or someone over tonight instead of going to practice." whatever. ha. last night i went out to dinner at like 9:30 with tierra, her gram & pap. it was fun =] maybe i'll go for a run today =| i always tell myself that, but i always end up sitting right in front of the computer..hmm. friday i am going to kim's and staying there clear through sunday night..i'm so excited!! hopefully sunday night i am staying =/ because i have off next week, because this family i babysit for is going on vacation..but their great grandfather isn't doing so well, so it's like at the last minute they aren't sure if they should stay home incase something happens or just go. but they leave in 2 days..and hopefully they decide to go! ;] i might get around to updating at kimsta's house..because we really don't have much planned for saturday, so. but friday we are going to the movies with kt<3 and sandra! yay! and maybe jordan. so i doubt i'll update that night. and then sunday kt, erin, tierra, and taylor are supposed to come over and we are gunna' have some fun =D so i definitely won't update that night. hehe. i should be home monday though, so i will indeed fill everyone in on my weekend. since i always seem to have amazing weekends, right?! =] but now, i'm going to go try to get a nap in before tyler wakes up =|
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