Afternoon meals: from-scratch African peanut soup (zucchini, tomato, carrots, garlic from the garden), and a tuna sandwich.
And then came Afternoon Snack. The bane of my existence. We got 3:30 snack when I lived at home with mom. It's been 15 years since I moved out, and I still crave junk food at this time of day. So down the hatch goes a small bowl of party mix, a rye & coke, a small bowl of popcorn rice crisps, a rye & coke....I was doing so good. And then I wasn't.
Theory: maybe I should be occupying myself at this time of the day. Leave the house, make 3:30 "walk the dog" time, anything.
Anyway. Tonight is date night. Yoga class together, some sort of takeout and/or beer, and movie/cuddles. Hoping I keep my shit together.