kk i have been very frusterated with my computer lately...no interenet for a while and then it freezes on me when i get it back! so the whole time i was using another computer in the house...unable to load and get the long discription i wrote on here
now i can! YIPPIE!!
I put this video and discription in the cut because the begining and bits inbetween spoil the six book...in no way am i trying to predict what will happen...i just had a cool plot in my head and wanted it out...thought it was interesting too
Read this in order to understand the plot
Harry Potter: Hide and Seek plot line:
Ok, so the video first starts at Dumbledores funeral. Harry (or scar head as I like to call him) is seated in his seat, thinking snape (<3!) killing his mentor. After the funeral he talks to his friends and tells him he must go to the dursleys wait wait there for a while, then after, find the hocuxes (in this video I do not show him destroying them, for they are not the main part of this video) and if he can along the way, kill the greasy git (before he can slip away again…all that grease makes it so hard to catch him you know XD) his friends refuse to let him go alone. (and Ron reminds him he has to go to the wedding) So they all head off to the Dursley’s
At the pig pen…er…I mean private drive there is all this fighting and yelling with uncle Veron and the trio as time goes on. But they manage to stay until the wedding. (in the wedding, the guy with Fluer is suppose to be Bill) and after that they head off to find the hocuxes. But when they are in a under ground area were there is “said” to be a hocrux, they are trapped by none other then Snape! (dun dun dun) Snape insults harry as usual and say “so you still haven’t figured out that dumbledore had me kill him eh? Use your mind!” harry agues when finally it hits him that snape was telling the truth. Hermione says “don’t trust him,” but harry trusts snape anyways and snape is surprised and says “the whole wizarding world is counting on you, are you actually sure about this, potter?” “I am” is all he says.
All hocuxes destroyed, harry goes back to the grave yard alone as he and snape agree too, and meets all the death eaters and Voldy (<3) there. Voldemort and Harry have there fight, and just as Snape was about to turn on Voldemort, vodly kills harry
Snape is devastated and with all his anger, he kills the death eaters and voldy (0_0! Noooo!!) once and for all. He takes harrys body (just pretend in that sceen it is snape takeing harrys body back…not harry taking cedric) to where is friends are and they are shocked to see him dead, then angry with snape and turn the whole wizardring world against him. And now, as always, Snape is alone in the world, forever.
hope you like it :D