Wings galore

Feb 06, 2005 13:10

By Thursday we had recovered from seeing a rat get pulled out of box by grown men in top hats. We went to mug night as per usual. It was surprisingly not crowded. We drank and joked about going to the wing bowl later- oh how stupid that would be to go and watch people consume massive amounts of wings at 3 am. Well pan to 1 am when we were en route to the bowl. Rebecca, michelle, and I crammed with as much beer as we could find, a bag of tostitos, and salsa into Kris and lauren's car. when we got there circa de 4am the line outside had already formed into a mile long entourage of young males anxiously awaiting entrance into their homeland. we drank all the beers we had in the car and even came up with a clever new game which we lovingly refer to as musical beers. when it was time to brave the cold and the testosterone rebecca was passed out and opted to stay in the car thinking that it would be cozy and warm. the rest of us got out and pushed our way through the line taking beers from random guys the whole way in-- "people are so nice" we naively thought. when we finally got in we had no idea where to go and didnt yet notice that the guy: girl ratio was about 100:1. so as we are looking for seats/ eating chicken sandwiches with the only scraps of change we conjured up a nice man tells us he has really good seats and theyre open so come with him. skipping like school girls with pig tails and bows tied in our hair we graciously accepted the seats and followed said man. on the way he made a random comment about how he hoped we were fun. still naive michelle and i thought we would be fine... like what did he want? us to like cheer for the wing eaters? ok! little did we know fun had a more naked connotation and being given open seats was more like being dragged like lambs to the slaughter. all of a sudden we were in the seats, 2000 men turned around on all sides of us and started to chant SHOW YOUR TITS. caught completely off guard fear struck through our faces and we were silent. a man taunted me with a pretzel, putting mustard on it, and thinking he was gonna get a little show by giving us a bite. riiight. after like 5 mins which seemed like an eternity we ran out of the seats to the tune of the chant SLUTS. miraculously sarah haddow was there to escort us to the villanova section and out of the meat pit. the rest of the 5 hours in the middle of the night consisted of more men yelling show your tits/ trying to get us to go to finnegans wake with them/ moving through hoards of sleeping people. we went over to matts section for a bit where he was telling strippers he loved them. at this point i passed out and then michelle beat me up. after one round of wing eating wed had enough and left for the car where rebecca had been sitting for the entirety of the bowl. she shivered in the cold, yelled at guys who were peeing right next to the car, tried to get in but was rejected and begged people for a ride home. in the end whether you opted for the car or to go in to the sausage fest going to the wing bowl was extremely poor form.

Friday we slept the entire day trying to forget the hellish nightmare that was the wing bowl. we went to happy hour and found a new location- near the food... typical. I proposed to matt kahn who again denied me, we sang songs and danced with pmaz, drank alcohol- weird. we then went to erins where it was some whores "surprise" bday party even though her own away message was "happy hour and then my surprise party".. nice. There was a nice random crowd at erins that included predatory boys who shall remain nameless but matt had to fend them off as they circled us like vultures. samson tried to confirm our relationship again but it was too painful the first time and i told him i could not be his girlfriend. kevin burke called me a psycho.. actually he didnt but as he calmly said "no i dont think youre psycho" i kept yelling you think im a psycho in true nut job fashion. the rest of the night can be characterized by meredith stumbling around the party taunting young men with her cleavage revealing shirt/ juggling her goodies for the masses, us realizing that yet again we have no ride home and wondering who were gonna have to put out for this time in order to get to a warm bed- just kidding. anyway tom saved us and took us home as matt enjoyed the bass in the back of joe's car.

saturday we did a power hour to pregame the providence game. we got dropped off. a lady sat on my foot, rebecca spooned a boy in the crowd/ belligerently called seniors freshman, and michelle held up the 3 point sign at inappropriate time and tried to start the cheer gods on our side. afterward again we had to mooch a ride from joe wong who took us to his house and let us watch as he ate soup. we watched dj and matt kahn go at each others throats/ drag innocent bystanders into the crossfire- mainly me.. who was mute and meek the entire time. we then went to maloneys where we played 1000 games of photo hunt, watched k burke suck face with some random chick, told people matt was at home throwing up, and then walked home- sin jackets because we were scared dominos would close- yes, we are fat.

quote of the weekend:
katie to kingsley, dressed in do rag: "westsiiiiide" -insert hand motion here
kingsley: "WOW."

today rita came and brought my body weight in random food. said food included but is not limited too lasagna, pierogies, unnecessarily long snausages, and a peach cobbler. tonight we having a small gathering to get ride of the food and to enjoy the super bowl with other people who really just arent that into it.

im going to take the gmat right now. im serious and im whining.
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