random rumblings

Sep 27, 2005 23:48

do you really believe that God would have created such an inefficient organ in the human body as the brain? i read somewhere once that we only use a small percentage of our entire brains, like, most of the potential of our brain never use throughout our life. it never made sense to me, man, because imagine what else you could be capable of if you could find a way to unlock the other parts of your brain. i'm talking about seeing other dimensions of the current world and exploding with creativity, visions, and ideals. just like you need to eat certain foods to maximize the potential of your brain, i think human beings need to do things to help maximize, unlock, their brains. i think God has given us access to the means, but the government has made it all illegal. i think the government more knows about marijuana, LSD, mushrooms, and other "natural" drugs than we do, or more than they are letting us know. after all the trouble in the 60s, man, they saw the writing on the wall and decided to make some changes. i'm not saying drugs are good, or you should go do drugs, or anything. i'm just saying that many other cultures believe in shaman, medicine doctors, and healers. all use herbs and/or hallucinogens to achieve a trance-like state to predict the future, or to heal a patient's pain. when you hallucinate, you do go to a different world, and you think things you'd never imagine. poets and writers and artists and musicians can all testify, too, i'm sure. and even if it wont unlock your brain cells, create world peace, or inspire mind-boggling artwork, i still think the government is up to something. enough about drugs, since that really isn't my thing anyway. i'm a drinker. and think about all the positive effects of alcohol to "unlocking" the brain. when people drink, they talk freely, become more social, more emotional, more alive, man. that's what i was talking about the other day, being emotional and burning both ends of the candle. everyone has that person inside of them, most just need a little alcohol to bring it out. once again, it goes back to the bar. i learned so much about life from being in and around bars for most of the past four years or so. i remember the first time i went in a bar was while jarrett and i were at temple visiting a friend. i sat and talked more to the guy sitting beside me, some toothless local, than the friends we came with. from being an impressionable 18 year old that night, to being served on the regular in middletown at 19, to being behind the bar at 21, i've learned a lot. bartending is when i first noticed the changes that everyone undergoes as they drink. maybe drugs & alcohol aren't the answer they teach you in health class, but if you consider the entertainment value as well, ain't it worth the risk to give it a try rather than miss out? just something to think about ...

i think i summed up a lot of shit when i arrogantly told a friend of mine today that most people are just alive, while i'm actually living ...

thank god for alcohol, or else i'd probably be a virgin. speaking of alcohol, i had a great idea a week or two ago, and since i'm still awake, i might as well share it with the world - or at least the 2 people that i force to read this damn things. KEG RACE. Two People. Two Kegs. Can't quit until you kick your keg, lift it over your head, and throw it at the loser. well, the throwing part is optional i guess, but it'd be a funny picture and probably lead to a fight that neither person would remember the next morning. okay, getting back on track, a keg race, man. 141 beers in a keg, i think, and as many days as you need. how many do you think you'd take? 6? 5? 4? Think about how much of a man's man competition this would be. This isn't just getting wasted, this is about endurance and determination and all kinds of fucking balls, man. you'd basically drink as soon as you wake up until you go to bed, for at least 4 days straight! You'd have to pace yourself because if you get too drunk and wake up with a hangover, it'd push you behind schedule. Obviously you'd have to be used to drinking for 12 hours a day (at least) on consecutive days; yeah, i kinda got that part under control. Anyway, here is my conservative estimate on how I could get it done in only four days: 141 beers, divided by 5 days is about 28 beers a day. if you are drinking for 14 hours a day (think 10am-midnight) that is 2 beers, every hour that you are awake, for 5 days straight. brutual. however, i think if i was challenged and properly prepared, i could do it on the fourth day. i don't think an event like this has ever been documented or recorded, i mean, this would be legendary, man. like an alcoholic group of college pioneers! let me know if you are interested ...

that might be it for now, unless i cant sleep later on tonight
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