The reference to the European Court of Human Rights hasn't helped.
In connection with the arisen questions concerning death of my spouse I want to explain that my estimation in this part purely subjective, proceeding from that emotional condition in which I am now. Therefore, to avoid unreasonable conclusions I will try to be based on the facts.
To understand an event it is necessary to start with the previous events, (which already were) and the subsequent (which will be after that).
Shortly before death of my wife, she made a complaint to the authorities concerning poor-quality medical aid. She reached the European Court of Human Rights, and on May, 27th, 2010 her complaint is registered as the Complaint № 11152/10 Yelaeyva v. Russia. From an applied copy of the notice of Secretary of the European Court of Human Rights under human rights from May, 27th, 2010 it is visible. he asked Court to recovery of money for medical aid necessary for her, and to compensate moral damage which was caused by poor-quality medical aid.
Next, my wife has died in the hospital. The reference to the European Court of Human Rights hasn't helped for her.
Now we will return to some events which were before. Both incidents with multiton car "KAMAZ" directly are connected with my wife, as in both cases I under her request carried her on the my personal car, and in the second case she also was in my car. The first of incidents - is attack by multiton car "KAMAZ" on February, 17th, 2010. The second of incidents - is repetition on July, 15th, 2010.
However, the fatal role has played is especially long illegal criminal prosecution under the relation to me on forged criminal case № 14794.
Next, I consider that this sort of events will occur and further, from a permission and with the connivance of the authorities. As the death of my wife it too result of a policy, and she is the next victim of political system.
Example of the reference to the European Court of Human Rights proves absence of legal modes of protection.
For protection of the my life the departure from Mordovia I do not exclude.
Lawyer Elaev Ivan Aleksandrovich, Russia, phone: +79510538999, e-mail: