The weekend was quite nice, if you must know. The
ariesgirlie and I did wonderfully wicked things all over Olympia, and then, when we'd run out of places to corrupt, made our merry way to Tacoma for more ribald action. I, personally, had a blast. Hope she did too. :)
K is also now the proud owner of one of my crazy handbags, which I hope holds up under the stress of her wallet. :P I was actually pretty proud of the way it turned out. And, I even bought a GIFT BAG to put it in. This is a huge step for me. Pretty much everyone who gets gifts from me knows that I space out most of the time with the actual wrapping and putting of presents in something. Far too much work. But anything for my partner in crime, kids. That's just how much I care. Aw.
So, I called my temp agency today. It's been a month since they've assigned me anything, and I wasn't sure as to why. Turns out they didn't even realize I was available. (!!!!) What is up with that? Bah. Well, at least now they know. And they'd better bloody call.
This week, I actually do have things need doing. Serious spring cleaning time. Think I might pack the My Little Pony castle away for a while, until I really have the room for it. It's occupying a whole little folding table that I want to use for my sewing stuff. I've been trying to sew at my desk, but there's just too much other crap there. We'll see. Also, have to do a resume for a friend of my father's - the one who gave me my beautiful futon and my computer chair and, well, deserves to have me do a good job, you know? I also think it's time to make a bag out of this wonderful material for myself. Just need to pick up another two yards of strap material... I have everything else.
It was over 70 degrees today here in Western Washington. Fancy that. My allergies hate it, but the rest of me is ready for sunshine. My pasty white skin deserves it. Otherwise, I might have to resort to
Pantyhose In A Can. Frightening.