My weekend

Sep 16, 2006 14:47

Well I am so way behind i decided to just update about my weekend unstand of the whole week...


Well went to school about 8:30 to see Brandon awhile before my math class started,after math class met up with Brandon,Melissa and Justin P in the library we all hang out *Melissa* was taking us about her fun time with Josh lol Melissa and I were getting to justin and brandon a bit talking loads about it lol...Then we all got in Melissa's car and headed to Mickey d's to eat while there Derek D aka Pookie showed up so he sit and talk with us mostly brandon and I...Haha justin,brandon and I were giving melissa such a hard time lol and we were going to do another bet but decided to be nice and not lol gosh it is pretty bad when justin beats me been more prevented and more loud LOl I laugh so much tears came from my eyes and my side hurts brandon and justin are so funny i swear :)...haha Melissa wanted to bet with me who will later on down the road get pg firsted haha w/e we know i would win becuz i ain't having kids EVER!!!!or atleast not now haha...anyways then melissa left and went to the bathroom while I decided to be a lil mean and put something in her drink i ask the guys *what thoug* they give me ideas but there was none of that stuff around so i just went and put a lot of water in it LOL i know nothing major but still just how she was freaking out about she knew someone did something to her drink was funny lol...I swear Derek is a nut i love that boy to death as a brother he just kept picking on me lol,anyways we all then left,derek went home and we all went back to the school...Went to the library a good while then justin left us and it was just melissa and I awhile,went to meet brandon outside the library about 11:50 talk to him awhile kissed and he left for work...Went back to the library and talk some to Danny on myspace *aww* miss that boy werid still talking to a old eric and then find out they still love you *wow* anyways we then left the library went to the *Red Fox* so i could study some for my Bio 141 test *that i was stressing so bad about* :*( anyways we stay there awhile then melissa and I went for a drive she wanted to show me where her and josh went lol *aww* a chapel how cute lol still mean what you did to him hunnie but also still funny as well haha i would have done the same thing too lol...Anyways we then came back to the school went back to Red Fox for me to study some more after a good while jessica F and Daniel came in there they sit and talk to us a good while then melissa,daniel and jessica left and i went to my class to take that god awful test that i was dreading all day over,anyways after the test went to get some gas *Saw* Priscilla then left headed home...Anyways was only home for a good while talk on the phone to Brandi a few times then left to go get her about 6:30 we decided not to go to the game until half time since we suck anyways and it would also be FREE lol anyways we went to Mickey D's to eat it was nice hanging out with my old friend Brandi once again anyways she got me to try something new * I LOVE THE CHICKEN WRAPS* anyways i always get them but this time i did something new and diff to them i put honey mustard on them *yummy* you would think that and ranch would taste bad but gosh NO it was good :) niceone BRandi hun...anyways we then went over to Hardeer's to get a *MS* heck yeah I was so hyper and horny it was not funny,Reuben was working and came over to sit and talk to us during his *Break* aww he was so tired i felt so bad for him so i rub his head haha,while sitting and talking to them crazy nuts Brandon called from work on his Break *aww* i feel loved everyone wants to either see or talk to me during their breaks :) Lol after that Brandi and I left and then finally decided to head to the game,got there during *Half Time* anyways during that saw a few friends Amber *haha* nice paint job her face was painted red and gold haha then we bump into Hannah *aww* love that girl to death we walk around with her awhile she loved jump in brandi's face screaming *BOO* don't ask brandi was out of it haha *pretty bad* when i have to lock arms threw her's so she can walk haha...Anyways we didn't really watch the game maybe sit down for 5 or 10 mins while we were trying to watch the game *Sasha* called my cell talk to her awhile but could not really hear her over the crowd and all,so I just told her i would call her back later...We then bump into Charles H lol these guy that has had a crush on brandi and I for like ever lol anyways we talk to him some and just walk around talking to a few other peeps we knew...Anyways after the game we then left and I took Brandi home then i went home and took a bath then talk to brandon and sasha until bedtime...


Well got up about 12 or 12:30 Lay around called and talk to sarah then sasha and melissa called talk to them a good while...Was in a pissed off mood becuz i thought i was not going to get to see Brandon all day and/or night *don't ask*,anyways about 4 we had to head up to Beach Groove church in Rose Hill for leslie Trent's baby shower *aww* it was really good to see her i mean gosh it been forever *she is getting BIG* 2 lol,anyways talk to her mom keith kayla and their mom it was fun but kinda bum becuz i wanted to see Brandon :*( anyways we play a few baby games they were ok then we ate some leslie and keith sit with mom and I and talked to us,then they went to open girfts that people brought them *aww* so many cute baby clothes then we left aftering saying bye to leslie,keith and leslie's mom...Went home and drop mom off then headed to Coeburn to see Brandon *yay* met him at Frosty then we went riding around here and there,had to pee lol so we stop at a gastation,then went back to frosty's and talk to a few of brandon's friends he had someone let him in there so he could make me a burger :) *smiles*...Anyways then we left awhile before i had to go home driving around and went to a dark baseball field so we could be alone and talk and have a nice long make out session and our ususally stuff ;) it was great just been with him i love the boy to death anyways melissa called a few times but i didn't answer becuz we were busy making out LOL!!!!Anyways after 15 mins or so we left and he took me back to my call at frosty's then after a few mins after saying our byes I love you and all I left LOL it was funny becuz brandon scream out happy late annivary gift LOL gosh he cracks me up haha then while pulling out I thought,I could beat this red truck before it came towards me it horned it's horn i came like a inch or so from getting hit LOL it was not funny but kinda was...Then called and talked to Sasha's for awhile and she wanted me to see her *NEW CAR* so i stop by her house awhile to see it *wow* it was very and pretty we got insided it and sit looking it over the radio was loud and nice also,then the trunk was very big u could hold a few bodies or more...anyways after 5 or 10 mins i left and headed home sasha called she could not do her hw she was so hyper and excited about her call talk to her for the most way home then took a bath and then talked to brandon until very late and went to bed after a good while...


Did nothing but lay around doing hw and study for a few tests then later on talk on the phone to my friends and brandon until really late and watch some tv then got online awhile then went to bed about 2 or 2:30...well thta is all for now ttyl bye

Love you all
**Summer** aka Speedy Puddin

I LOVE YOU Brandon
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