Apr 29, 2008 01:58
Because I am pretty much insane at this point (and because the icon I'm using makes me feel like a lazy bastard), I've decided to use my new mic for the forces of evil and do a podcast. It probably won't be weekly, due to my not being able to use my mic when I'm at Mom's, but it'll be fairly regular. That is, if I don't screw up with my homework for Online Tech Support and Troubleshooting.
I'm calling it "15 Minutes You Will Never Get Back" for three reasons:
1) Andy Warhol said "In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes," and I want my 15 minutes to repeat. :-D
2) After you listen to it, you will probably wish you could get your time back, but BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA you can't.
3) The program I'll be using is Pamela for Skype, and because I have the basic version, the longest recording I can make is 15 minutes.
So sorry folks, no screening of Freebird or the full version of Nights In White Satin. However, here is what you WILL be most likely hearing:
1) Music - I will pick maybe one or two short songs off my iTunes list to play for everyone. If you hate them, too damn bad. It's my show, and I can do whatever the hell I please.
2) Television - I watch a lot of TV. I'll probably be talking about what I've watched that day if it warrants discussion. You'll definitely hear about Star Trek, House, Doctor Who, and Mystery Science Theater 3000 at some point in the podcast, because I cannot shut up about them. Just ask my roommates...they know firsthand!
3) Internet - There's a lot of stuff on the Internet that I find interesting, including-but not limited to-other blogs and news items. I'll talk about those occasionally, if I find something I like and want to share.
4) General Silliness and WTFery - Oh, there will be WTFery, mostly in the form of shared AIM conversations and LiveJournal comm discussion. It's me, people! General silliness and WTFery are kinda what I'm about.
I've already got something lined up for the first podcast, which will most likely come out Wednesday or Thursday. Gotta record these late at night or when the roommates aren't home. They'll be put up for downloading on SendSpace, and if you share it, credit me, 'cause let's face it: the chances of us having the exact same-sounding voice are slim to none, you damn thieves!
More to come in the next day or two!
15 minutes you will never get back,
anna has news