Lately, I've been thinking I want to be creative again. My writing muse has fucked off to parts unknown, even though I came up with a pretty good plot for a Stargate Atlantis fic. I've been trying to think of ways I can be creative that doesn't involve writing, and until today, I came up empty-handed. I love music, but I don't know how to play the piano, and we can't afford lessons. I like dancing, but again, we can't afford lessons, and I'm so out of practice (last time I took ballet was 3rd grade, and even earlier for tap dancing) that I don't know if I'd be able to re-learn any of the things I don't remember, nor am I positive I'd be able to successfully pull off the things I DO remember.
And then, in the middle of water aerobics, it hit me. I like making people laugh. I've been meaning for years to do a vlog of some sort, and I have a rather spiffy still-relatively-new laptop with a built-in webcam. Why couldn't I combine the two into a weekly comedic video? I could make it as snarky as I want, but not offensive snarky, maybe do a Q&A or something, but whatever I did, I wanted it to be funny. The only thing I didn't have for it was a title and a place to host it. When I got home, I decided that I didn't want to delete either of my YouTube channels to create a new one, nor did I want to delete any videos from my old channels to make room for this. I'd been interested in checking out Vimeo for a long time now, and when I looked at the site, I was pleased with what I found. I signed up and confirmed my email address as soon as I could.
After putting up some rather cryptic Tweets about my intentions, watching as LeBitchGate exploded all over my Twitter feed, and setting up the look of the channel on Vimeo, I was missing only one thing: a name. I thought long and hard (hurr) about what I wanted to call my little project, and after much thought (and a trip to Google to make sure the name wasn't already taken), I came up with "Sunday Night Snark." As
strawberrysgirl says, "Sundays can be quiet, and a fun thing can spice it up." She's right...Sunday night is inherently depressing for a couple reasons:
- Nothing good on TV
- Work the next morning if you're an adult
- School the next morning if you're a kid
- Possibly too damn hot to do anything else if it's summer
- Possibly too damn much snow to do anything else if it's winter
Thus, Sunday Night Snark was born. It's going to be a mix of goofiness I come up with on my own, me answering questions from people, and a little segment that parodies The Daily Show's Moment of Zen that I'm cleverly (and I'm using "cleverly" in its loosest form here) calling "Moment of DERP," which will be me snarking on a headline from the various Odd News pages online. I plan on having polls and themes for the week, but for the first episode (which I'm hoping to shoot Sunday afternoon and post Sunday night) I want to just let it flow and have different things going on.
I'm opening the forum for questions. I only ask a few things of those who ask me:
- I'd like to read whatever questions I get on-camera, so you'd have to allow me permission to read your question on-camera.
- I won't use any real names, but I don't want to just read the questions and take credit for any brilliance that isn't my own. If you give me permission to read what you ask on-camera, please give me a name to go with it, or I'll use LJ or Twitter names.
- For the love of whatever deity you worship or don't worship, nothing offensive! I reserve the right to refuse to answer any questions that are racist, homophobic, or generally offensive to mankind.
- With the last point in mind, I realize that political questions could cause a problem. Thankfully, I don't have a problem with sharing my opinions and views with the general public, so go ahead and ask them. HOWEVER, I will IP track, find the home of, and summarily bitchslap the living shit out of anyone who asks me if I think that Obama was really born in the USA. I mean, really people...don't you think we would have found out BEFORE THE ELECTION if he wasn't? Common sense, mofos.
- It doesn't matter if the question is silly or serious, ask it! I'll answer it!
Like I said, this week there's no theme, so with the guidelines set forth in mind, ask away, and watch the premiere of
Sunday Night Snark this Sunday, between 9 and 10 p.m. EST. :-D