Nov 11, 2009 01:05
So, OK, I follow Lou Diamond Phillips on Twitter, and tonight he decided to do a 10 Questions thing with his Twitter followers. Being one of them, and unable to think of a decent, interesting question, I went with my old stand-by, courtesy of Messers Cleese, Chapman, Idle, Gilliam, Palin, and Jones:
shewhoisAnna @LouDPhillips What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Totally expecting a facepalm and no answer on his end, I went about my business. 11 minutes later, this appears on my Twitter feed:
LouDPhillips @shewhoisAnna African or European?
So did not expect an actual answer! I mean, normally, none of the celebs I follow on Twitter respond to any NORMAL questions I ask, but holy crap! The question I least expected to get a response to, even though a lot of people know the joke!
Just to make sure we both knew that I knew my shit, I responded with the following, which is most likely the end of the adventure:
shewhoisAnna @LouDPhillips ...I don't know... *prepares to be flung into the pit*
I know the guy in the movie actually DID get flung into the pit, but I figure I made enough of an ass of myself for asking that question in the first place. XD
anna is happy