Walking away...

Apr 30, 2005 01:41

sometimes my friends upset me sooo much!! Why?! Why?! Why... do they continue to make stupid, dumb ass, fucking retarded decisions???!!! I thought they were better than that, but...maybe they are not!! I hate girls who fall into the sterotypical girl. I don't want friends like this. I'm not this kind of person...I don't want friends like this b/c it HURTS ME SOOO BAD - u just don't know- to see them be so stupid!!! SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO STUPID!! The key... I think... is to not care. If I don't care about these hoes then it wont hurt me. It's like watching a child stick their finger in a socket...crying...and then sticking their finger in a socket again....and then watching them stand back around the socket and get ready to stick their finger in it again. Their comes a point when u just have to turn away. I have to turn away.
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