[Sam sits up from where he was half-sleeping against the wall, still tucked up next to Castiel and Sitara, when he hears
the howl of the Cerberus. It's familiar to him, he'd heard it before when outside with Sephiroth and the sound sends a chill through him. His breathing picks up, which only aggravates his lungs further. He releases a deep, hacking cough that has him leaning back against the wall again but turning his head away from where Castiel was partially propped up against him; the last thing he wants is to get anyone else sick. But at this point, Sam knows he's in no condition to fight and the heartbreaking feeling of disappointment and failure digs deep into him.]
[To no one in particular:] We're gonna die.
[He frowns nervously in the darkness of the cabin and runs a hand through his hair. Well, that was a great sentiment to share aloud. So much for trying to keep everyone calm. The younger hunter looks around for his brother, searching for some source of comfort.]