Jul 12, 2009 10:43
Trippiest most horrible dream ever last night.
I was back in high school and i had a baby.
everything was going goood and i adored my baby.
Then i am in mrs comptons art class and i accidently
leave my baby and my purse in there with my phone,
It starts snowing really hard and it is time for me to get on the bus.
It is a mini bus and i get on and realize that i lost my phone
and start freaking out. i forget complelely about my baby.
Then mrs compton is my bus driver all of i sudden and i remember
and she tells me she left everything with mhy grandma.
i take over driving the bus and go t my grandma
she wont tell me where my baby is at first but finally tellls me that
she flushed it down a toilet, i scream and yell and cuss at her and
tell her that i am never talking to her again.
Get back on the bus and drive everyone home.
My grandma killed my baby!
is that my future?