The longest weekend...

Dec 17, 2001 08:48

was the most stressful. I had an VERY hetic weekend; saw Harry Dash (great local band, love them alot) Friday night, then it was meeting here, meeting there, and I've realized that people really only think that their time is important. I am really tired of others assuming that my time is just inexhaustable. UGH, (sorry for the bitch)Although a good amount was accomplished, I need sleep. We go into the studio today and considering I'm the one with the LARGE lump sum of money being deducted, I anxiety kept me up until 2 and I had to be up at 4. Inturn, putting my body on the defense, and I'm sick as a dog this morning.
The good point of the weekend, NEW MUSIC! Melissa was a kind soul this weekend and bought me the "Voices On The Verge" Cd. It is amazing! Jess Klein, Beth Amsel, Erin McKeown, and Rose Polenzani. You have to hear it!!! I alos found the Muse Cd I was looking for, and Yello (Zebra). So, In all, I enjoyed my day yesterday. I have 1 night to myself this week and leave for North Carolina on Friday. I need a vacation more than I can explain. Oh, and the Feb show is now bumped to March. It actually is better, just frustrating.
Hope all is well, I must go pretend to work now. I'm leaving in 2 hours anyway. Happy day to all.
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