Jun 06, 2010 13:32

I still have pics I need to post to cover the afternoon get-together with Lee and his peeps that was after the first reading of "Godfather IV" on 5/2, but I'll fast forward a bit to after the second show where trillingstar and I made it a point to nab solo pics with our favs from the cast (more to come!) because we thought it would be one of our last opportunities (we had no idea we'd be swimming in Ozzies at the afterparty!).

So here I am, with my hand firmly wrapped around the waist of Christopher Meloni's rock-hard torso (you can't see my hand, but oh...I remember the feel of that and his gorgeous, long fingers from his massive man-hand gripping my shoulder...our bodies entwined............ok, not entwiiinnnned (later, later...hahaha) but totally *glomped* together!!

I never, ever, EVER thought I would ever get to meet Christopher Meloni and as dorky as it sounds, had 'made peace' with it. I was content to have been lucky enough to have met Lee Tergesen, the other half of my OTP of Beecher & Keller, and had already seen Meloni in person in L.A. so I didn't mind too much because there was nothing I could about it. And NEVVVVVVER did I EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVER think not only would I finally meet Meloni, but I would meet Meloni *with* Lee and then all the other Ozzies...'s just... words... words, just gratitude.


lee tergesen, weird things, celebs, christopher meloni, moi, nyc 2010: day 01, oz, nyc!mobfest

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