Birthday Wishes, Men With Bowling Pins Shaved in their Heads, and Shoeless Giraffe Questions

Mar 21, 2007 15:01

First off, I've been slacking in the world of the internet, having rather a crappilicious connection here BUT I must send a happy birthday to three of my favorite people in the world.

Person number Awesome:
His name on the internet is mister-punchy. His real name is HOLY CRAP WHY WON'T THIS GUY MOVE TO NY SO WE CAN ALL SPEND MORE TIME WITH HIM. He has a collection of 80's commercials on tape that rivals the vaults of YouTube. He makes the most amazing themed holiday mix cd's, including my every favorite Fuck Valentine's Day mix. I SWEAR he write the best "nostalgic" entries on this entire LJ universe. He makes me simultaneously miss and thank the lord that I don't have to relive my late teens and early twenties. He's consistently the best thing on my friends page. I'm super slow with the birthday wishes on this one, but he's getting a "Mister Punchy deserves to take over the world" carepackage soon. If you have made it this far in this paragraph without friending him, click on his journal now. You won't be sorry.

Person number Cute-ass Glib:
Her name on the internet is sketchartists and more and more her name on the internet is Anya Garrett. She is one of the most talented, motivated, and unique people I have a ever met, not to mention being so damn cute it makes you want to start to wear a paperbag over your own head. Anya's an amazing photographer, who has all the traits to be a INCREDIBLY successful professional amazing photographer. She's got the loudest laugh in any room, no matter how many other people are there competing. She's incredibly loyal to her closest friends, and I'm always really happy to realize I'm in that group. I originally typed that as "closet" friends, and I'm sure she would be loyal to them, too. She makes me want to create and laugh, and those are two of my favorite things in the world. Her birthday was last week, where I ate perogis in her honor. There aren't enough perogis in the world to equal the awesomeness that is you, my dear.

Person number Her Actual Birthday:
Her name on the interwebage is dollomite, but everyone knows her as Marianne. I say everyone because she is friends with everyone, and if you don't know you love her yet, you just haven't been in the same room with her ever. She pretty much exudes a warm-happy feeling that makes you just want to be around her as much as you can even if it means you will get arrested by living outside of her bedroom window in a tree. She's got the quickest wit of almost anyone I've ever met, but is so modest about it. She spends most of her time around comedians who I SWEAR she is funnier than. She doesn't realize how talented she is, but we all do and I give it two years before she is in charge (of at LEAST the comedy world, if not EVERYTHING). Like Anya, she's so loyal and will be there in a second if a friend needs help. The idea I ever survived without her as a friend baffles me. I'm not sure how anyone could survive without Marianne in their life. Today she turns another year older. You should wish her a Happy Birthday.

Okay, I'm literally getting really sappy right now. Like misty eyed sappy to the point I had to stop writing this entry and give it a second before I continued. Some days I just feel so lucky I've come across so many of you that read this journal.

Sappiness=OVER, now on to the GREAT ROOMMATE SEARCH 2007!

My french roommates Natalie and Rachid move out tomorrow, which make me super sad because they were pretty much the perfect roommates. It was a mighty task to replace them...

So after one guy who didn't wear shoes, one girl who cut her armpit hair in the living room, one fella who "whoops, murdered a man", and three AMAZING people who were vetoed by my roommies due to joblessness...I finally have a new roommate!

Thanks to redknot for sending her lovely sis our direction! She won me over by being related to you, and she won Mason over by mentioning the word cookies, and she won Mikey over by liking theme parties, and she won Isaac over by being as he put it "such a sweetheart" and she won all of us over by wearing shoes and not mentioning any "parole terms." We're all super excited to have her move in.

Okay, about the shoe guy I can't seem to shut up about...

Now I always respect folks who go against the mainstream. I mean if you look at hair alone, scientific studies of the hair of my history of boyfriends includes a whole lotta boys you shouldn't bring home to mom. (Varieties including the don king, the "tin-tin", the green foot-length spikes (four to be exact), the purple bangs, the crazy beard, the guy with the tail and bowling pin/bowling ball shaved into his so that was my crush in 4th grade, but he was HOTT back then. Seriously. I'm not sure how I ever refrained from pulling that piggy hair tail and making a loud "BOOOOOING". Man I had a lot more self-restraint in fourth grade!) There was also the guy that febreezed his hair instead of washing it...but that was a very different, one that lasted 9 months.

Now people with ridiculous hair are cool with me. People that spray products made for couches onto themselves instead of showering are cool with me. People that say "hey, Authority: FUCK YOU, but also I feel sorry for you, why don't you let me buy you a falafel and maybe we can chat and find out what in your childhood might have made you grow up into such a stodgy jerk-faced jerk." Those people. Those are the ones I love and want more of in my life. Unique folk that aren't afraid to be themselves. But I realized recently there is a line, and that line circles around three words "NYC", "winter", and "barefoot".

It seriously freaked me out when I saw him leave my house to walk the ten minute trek to the train BAREFOOT the day after it snowed, which means there was about three inches of brown slush all over the ground. I think I would have been less freaked out if the was the kind of guy who didn't believe in pants and left my house ass-naked wearing only boots on his bottom portion.

Shoes! Shoes are for feet!

I think that's my new motto.

1. You guys still up for Murdering the Giraffe a bit more this Saturday afternoon. (I got me a block of giraffe ice in the freezer and a pick ax...)

2. Anyone know a good tattoo place in NYC? I desperately need to remind myself I haven't gone corporate, before I go back to being corporate in 12 days...
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