Holy crap! Do you all realize that Scott Bateman only has
ONE day left in his goal of 365 consecutive animations? I've taken it for granted so many days, but seriously, that's a ridiculous amount of work and dedication. Not a single day off for a WHOLE YEAR, not even Martin Luther Day when all of the cool kids were running around nailing things into wooden doors (like love letters, grocery lists, ransom notes, small eggplants...you know those sorts of things).
Oooh speaking of awesome holidays: In planning this year's
LUMBERJACK DAY word-spreadin' I realized the website I was planning on buying (lumberjackday.com) is now taken. It was open a few months ago. I take this as a sign word of Lumberjack Day has spread, kinda like the rash I get when I sit down in a grassy field. (What I would do for someone to cover Prospect Park in Astro-turf, or at least one hill so I could roll down without my face turning purple...)
Help me think of a new website url to buy and I'm gonna break-in this new holiday like a logsplitter on pine!
If you didn't already know Lumberjack Day is celebrated every SEPTEMBER 26 by wearing flannel (suspenders and bras are also encouraged), wool caps, large boots, making as many bad lumberjack/tree/wood puns as you can, eating pancakes, yelling TIMMMMMBEEER for no apparent reason, wearing fake beards, or just walking around the street happily swinging an ax.
dollomite came up with the idea and I've been pushing the holiday on every man, woman, and eggplant I've met since. This shall be the new Talk Like a Pirate Day! The new
Towel Day! The new
Sweetest Day! (Sweetest Day?)
From last year's celebration... And back to the reason for this post: SCOTT BATEMAN!
He's having a party tomorrow night at one of my favorite bars/comedy venues in the city which will feature a super special animation-homage by me! I wrote Scott a five minute sketch using a buttload of his own characters. You guys should all come! I'll be there with eels on. (I was going to wear bells but I couldn't find my "b" and "l".)
Wednesday, August 16 11PM
Rififi/Cinema Classics 11th Street between 1st and 2nd
Show= 30 minutes of the best animations from Bateman365
Oh yeah and if you guys were wondering about
Shaqspeare in the Park it's still underway. There's been a delay due to me being unable to research because I broke my television*. So broken it seems unrepairable by way of chopsticks. That on/off switch is more important than you might think. Promise all of you that in the next few weeks scripts will be finalized and songs will be composed!
Kazaam: the Unauthorized Musical is going to be so awesome.
*I just realized unproductivity due to an inablity to turn on a TV is perhaps one of the lamest excuses ever.
**I also just realized I remembered to put on pants today.
***Which is amazing considering I stayed up all last night making a personalized version of GUESS WHO. Click on the picture for a template to print out your own version of FLUFF WHO with nothing more than a pair of scissors, printer, and paper!