Skat Kat Rant (aka Phew! No More Government-Enforced Lactating for Me, but I'm Still Sad)

Nov 08, 2008 18:16

Do you ever get the feeling like you are living out some future 7th grader's homework assignment? 2038 Question #23 That's Us! Kids are going to fall asleep listening to stories of this year and are totally not even gonna get partial credit for writing 2007 on the pop quiz! (sorry future 7th graders, rules be rules, RED PEN ATTACK) But 2008, hellz yeah 2008: The Year America Took a Step Forward To Start to Suck Less, And Then Immediately Took Another Step Back

I stay here, in this lovely country, because I am a cartoon cat that likes organized dancing with Paula Abdul. I am proud to be Skat Kat, even if my rap-single is impossible to find now and my cartoon pants horribly dated. This country could be awesome. Perhaps one day WILL be awesome. Bottom line though, we are SO not awesome yet.

I started about four posts this week, only to never actually hit "post" on any of them. It would be so damn wrong to pretend like this week wasn't one of the most important of my life. I was super nervous election night, paced my apartment for a half hour before stats started coming back and instead opted to watch what turned out to be the CRAZIEST bollywood flick I've ever seen instead of CNN. One of the best decisions ever! Dancing, dancing, dancing, FIGHTS, dancing, gratitous high-speed fan slow motion man-candy struts, dancing, dancing, OVER! Turned off the movie just in time for us to win O-Hi-Oooooo. Sorry CNN, but DHOOM had much more satisfying reporting this election, or at least perfect timing. Movie ended. We won.

Not only was the movie a great distraction from fear, but it had some of the most amazing unsexy dance moves I've ever seen. The flailing done by the women in the beginning of the opening is rather similar to my secret apartment dancing. I do love it so! ASYMMETRICAL WINDMILL HANDS! ASYMMETRICAL WINDMILL HANDS! HIGH KICK! HUUUUH!

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So they announce Obama and I start to cry. I've only felt truly patriotic twice in my life. The first time was when I won $20 for a drawning of Abe Lincoln in 2nd Grade..though perhaps that feeling was more "holy crap I can buy so many Sugar Daddy's for $20!" than it was truly patriotic. be clear Sugar Daddy is a type of carmel candy. Um..yeah.

The second time was listening to Obama's speak, both on election night and once a while back. I had seen Obama speak in 2003 at a Social Studies teacher conference. I had no idea who he was but he was so damn moving. Nothing on tv will ever give his true speaking charm justice. When he won this week I felt proud, I felt like the world was turning into something amazing...and then I woke up.

I know we made a HUGE step and not only do I have hope for future and the intelligence of this country but ALSO now I don't have to fear quite so much about having to breast-feed old people GRAPES OF WRATH style (was totally dreading that!), but while that huge step was being made another went the other way.

The Prop 8 thing KILLED ME. I balled like a baby over it. It's fucked up. So royally fucked up.

Talk talk talk about equality and progress, but we just approved someone's equality only to say "hey just kidding!" It would be like if after the Civil War the powers that be were like "Well, we tried this 'no-slavery' thing, but MAN it's kinda expensive and not working out. Sorry guys! Back to the old days we go! No hard feelings, right? Feel free to sing as much as you'd like!"

My sis is engaged to an awesome girl. At least a third of my friends are gay. But screw that approach! Forget me having ANY personal connection to anyone gay at all...equality should be friggin equal!

The awesome Josh has started a letter writing (and fancy stationary buying it seems) pen-pal campaign with Ron Prentice, CEO of California Family Council and Chair of Check out Josh's blog and write a letter of your own. Fancy stationary is optional, but realizing that people are people and love is love is MANDATORY.

I know Obama is going to be AWESOME in office, but can I start campaigning for the next president yet? I vote JESS FINK! This can totally be her first poster.

Oh yeah and 7th graders of 2038, first off thanks for being awesome and believing in equality and stuff. Also SWEET teleporter shoes!

I imagine they look a lot like these...only with little globes you have to pump up in order to break the laws of physics.
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