May 24, 2008 21:40

So first with apologies...if you have written me an email or left me a phone message...I have not responded. I am in that "bad place" break-ups/moving out puts a person, and surely won't be fun to listen to. BUT! I am feeling cheerier today...since good news!

1. I found a place to live! I am moving to greenpoint, from greenpoint! Actually it's about .4 miles away from my current place. Still in the middle of nowhere, but that's how I like my apartments it seems. I'm technically on the border of greenpoint and north williamsburg...probably even williamsburg on a map, but my geek roots refuse to admit I could ever be a true billy-burger. I shall be living in a new 2 1/2 bedroom with an awesome gal/bartender named Vicki I only met a few weeks back but has already gotten me enough free drinks to officially be awesome!

2. So the fellas of the playground ghosts have been doing tons of cons without me, which is cool since they have hundreds of things to sell at these shows, when I literally have 10-20 books that took me 3-4 hours each to make, but I assumed I was still in for my hometown MOCCA. Winds up they gave my spot to Sir Randall from xkcd. Randall's a super nice guy, but geez it totally sucks they gave my spot away without even asking me! I missed it last year since I was away at a librarian work convention...but they knew I was in town this time. BUUUT here comes the good part! Mr. Pat Lewis of "HOLY CRAP IT'S Mr. Pat Lewis" fame has offered me donuts AND a spot at his table. WOO's and HOO's I'll be there! Not only is Pat awesome at karaoke AND drawing, but he's darn swell as a person as well. Thanks Pat!

3. They hired a woman to take away 25% of my job at work who starts on Tuesday! They also asked me to start making many more "book trailers" AND are going to let me start some of the creative ideas I've wanted to do for years, like a vidcasts and podcasts where I get bands to sing songs about our books. If it works for the cheese Disney, why can't it work for GOOD BOOKS with GOOD SUPER AWESOME CATCHY SONGS? The podcasts will be songs, interviews with authors, me reading portions of books, and lots of other stuff. I pray they let me keep doing this, and there have already been a bunch of industry magazines who are asking to interview me about my craaaazy ideas which have been working! So weird! Recently, they asked me to make a new song for ABC3D since Amazon and BN and such asked for rights to the video, and I got some fans of the book, the incredible band I know as "the band who practices in my living room every saturday" aka my roomie Mason's band Not Waving But Drowning. I swear they didn't just get the gig because on those Saturday practices they also always cook me southern biscuits and gravy. If it were up to me the 75% of my body currently made up of water would be replaced with 75% of PURE SOUTHERN WHITE GRAVY. Um...NOT A EUPHEMISM! CHECK OUT THE NEW SONG completely inspired by the book! Man does that make me smile like an idiot. Something I haven't done much of lately.

They also asked me to make a trailer for this book and gave me four days to do so. Luckily one of my comic friends who I never see is a BRILLIANT video editor and could take a book with no images and make something awesome and totally teen-goth in like no time. Yes that is me...and all of my roommates acting badly.

image Click to view

Other good news is Chris Dlugosz, the fella who edited this and is in the BEST VIDEO GAME COVER BAND I HAVE EVER HEARD, has promised me when he dies and gives his body to science I can put his brain in a jar AND KEEP IT! We went back and forth about the color a bit, but we decided on an Aquamarine-eske Blue as the color for the liquid goo his brain shall float around in. Woo!

4. HOLY CRAP I DESIGNED MY FIRST BOOK COVER! One day I want to do this for a living...but here's a start. It's a Young Adult book called ISABELLE'S BOYFRIEND by the ridiculously rad Caroline Hickey. Click to see the bigger version...

I'm really happy with how it came out and the fact it gave me an excuse to buy a drawing tablet...
so I can make things like this which the world REALLY NEEDS.

It's Barbara Bush as a mexican wrestler, eating a cheese curl...which I'm sure is the first thing EVERYONE draws when they get a wacom.
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