Mar 25, 2008 14:23

So I was bored of mailing packages at work one day (three hours after I was supposed to go home) and I made a little video of one of the books we have coming out that i LOOOOVE and then set it to one of my favorite 30's songs "Roll On, Mississippi, Roll On" by the Boswell Sisters ( Read more... )

books, youtube, videos

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Re: What're You Up to These Days? colleenaf May 25 2008, 01:40:26 UTC
Actually I don't have much of a life. Been in the worst creative rut I have EVER been in. I had a drawer of mustaches I am severely neglecting...

BUT..things are changing. I am moving out, restarting, reseting. My entire reason for moving out is for creative things to start again. Annie moved back to california in January, and we both decided it was good to "stop while we were ahead" and end the show. Annie and I have two more shows to post, one normal and one big finale. We've both been procrastinating posting them, because I think we both don't want it to be officially over...

As soon as those go up, I'm starting "Fluff Radio ii" (pronounced "eeeiii-eeeiii") which will be similar in format as before, but will have a different guest cohost everytime and that guest will decide the music for the week. I imagine that will make a broader range of music we'll feature and will also be fun......though it's hard to imagine the show could even be HALF as good as it was with Annie. We'll see...

I also desperately want to start some sort of video sketch thing...we'll see if i ever get that together. I might just do audio sketches and have friends animate them. I'm not sure.

As for art, I've really done NOTHING the past few years. I don't know what happened to me...but I need to fix it.

So thank you, random listener. You've made my day with your comment. I've been down this year, not myself at all. But I swear, there will be more. Any suggestions you may have, I'm open to them.


Re: What're You Up to These Days? colleenaf June 11 2008, 19:17:33 UTC

I'm the same "random listener" you referred to. I'm sorry and sad to hear you're sad. Glad to hear you're coming out of it. I'll certainly keep an eye/ear out for Fluff ii.

As for my suggestions? Well, think about the reason(s) you first started doing your art of various kinds. For a sense of expression? For, dare I say it, fun? I believe you should start there.

Any kind of artistic endeavor shouldn't ever feel like work or a job of any kind. There is always a sense of play in the best artworks. You don't "owe" anyone art. If you haven't done any, say, paintings in a while---that's cool. You'll paint again when you're ready. You can't force yourself. Release yourself from this sense of obligation you seem to have. Once you do, I think that will be the psychic Ex-Lax that your muse seems to be seeking (OK, so it ain't poetic, but you get my point, right?).

Part of what always drew me back to Fluff Radio was its sense of play and fun---that you and Annie were doing the show, first and foremost, because you enjoyed each other's company and because it was simply FUN to do. The spontaneousness of friends just hanging out for the hell of it.

Your own artworks, which I've seen online, have that same sense of fun. The "captured giraffe" and "Self-portrait with handlebar mustache" have a similar sense of spontaneous joy to them.

I think it's this feeling, this "doing it for the pure enjoyment of it" you should focus on. Try going at it, for starters, with just some crayons (yes, the Big Box w/ sharpener) and construction paper. Do a Jackson Pollack thing with tempera paints and a slab of poster paper. Throw caution and learning to the wind. If you don't like the results, burn it. Doing so will provide you with a catharsis.

What I'm taking too many words to say is that it concerns me that your wonderful spirit is ebbing. Don't spread yourself so thin. Don't make so many demands on yourself. Get back to that sense of fun that seemed to be your muse.

And if you don't mind me saying so, please don't forget the mustaches---you're one of the best-looking chicks I ever saw in a handbar! Yours is a wonderful spirit and I hope things start looking up for you soon.


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