Annie NYC RIP and the Final Fluff Radio Review

Dec 24, 2007 02:10

(EDIT: not private anymore since the SURPRISE! happened!)

Some of you already know, some of you might not yet, but our favorite Annie Sanders has decided to return home to her original California roots. This means a lot of things, mainly that it SUCKS for all of us NY'ers who adore the girl, but it's a good thing for Annie who is going to go back to school to teach art .

We're going to throw her one BIG SURPRISE party at my place the night of January 5. Please note the SURPRISE in that line. She thinks she's coming over my place to record a final Fluff Radio Review show, which we will...while we party of course. A lot of you on this list aren't even in NY, but I wanted to let you know about the final show in case you wanted to leave her a special WE'RE GOING TO MISS YOU, ANNIE! message.

Anyone who wants to should call 347-823-3109 (aka dirt-bed-109... tee-hee, it also spells out fist-bed-109...but uh, yeah, let's stick with dirt bed...) and leave the message on the voicemail thing I set up. I'm going to collect all of the "goodbye annie" messages and integrate them into a big slideshow we're making her.

With that in mind, if you happen to have amazing photos of Annie or anything else you want in the slideshow send them my way! Any gifts/letters/or postcards for Annie can be sent my way as well.

The party is going to be in my apartment:
Around 6pm

...I'll have Annie get there at 7pm, so if you want to be part of the yelling SURPRISE! Feel free to come early. We'll be here all night though if you can't get here early. Also if you can get here REAL early like 3 or so you can come over and help us cook and decorate. Please spread the word to any friend's of Annie's that I may not have contact info for!

I'm also trying to come up with some songs to sing to her about her, so anyone who wants to lend some creative genius in that realm, I'd totally appreciate it.

For those of you who don't know Annie, all you really need to know to understand her coolness is she's the person who bought me my first real fake stache...

Which I am still wearing four years later...


While "Fluff Radio Review" will end I'm gonna start a new radio show with a new name, that won't have a super cool Annie-type co-host, but the podcasts entertain me too much to stop! If you have any creative ideas for what the new show should be (like what should it be called? should I still have bands? should they always be live? how about dead? should we do comedy sketches? segments of shows 40's radio style? Should I wear pants? EVER? No really? I'm not a fan of pants? etc.) feel free to send them my way.

Perhaps a show where I just play popular 80's songs with my armpits, or maybe I'll just read the all of the parts in the scripts to episodes of PERFECT STRANGERS without any emotion at all.

I think the only thing keeping me from crying about Annie leaving is knowing that Balki will be here in early February to comfort me.

HA! I just noticed that there are 120 reviews for Perfect Strangers on AMAZON and literally 119 of those are FIVE STARS. I mean I LOVE it, but I haven't seen a full episode in about 7 years. I mean, it's amazing I'm sure, but definitely hazy in my memory.

For instance I totally don't remember there being a floating disembodied head in the main cast.

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