The kittens will be 4 weeks old on Sunday. They do everything about a week ahead of schedule. Their eyes opened very early and they started walking at the very beginning on the week, they usually don't start walking until the 4th week. They've become aware of eachother within the last few days and spend a lot of time wrestling. The ears just started standing up within the past two days or so.
A HORRIBLE picture of Emmy. She does not look this psycho in real life. I just wanted you to be able to compare the kittens to their momma.
Female. First born. I actually didn't witness her birth, it was her cries that woke me up.
Female. Of course, all calicos are female. Second born. She was born in the litter box. It was clumping litter and she was covered head to toe in litter, I had to quick clean out her airway and then rinse her off. Feistiest of the four.
Male. Last born. A big brute, but very much a momma's boy. He is probably the least daring of anyone.
The orange one is a male. Third born. I couldn't get him to cooperate for the picture, so here he is attacking is brother. His delivery was very difficult. He was breech and in the birth canal a very long time, I didn't expect him to be alive. He has mild conjunctivitis and often has one or both eyes crusted closed. I have to clean out his eyes about once a day.
The two boys getting some chow.