Fooooorm #1

May 15, 2006 21:07

Geeee. Starting a LJ with a form? It's unheard of!

*Totally rips of JenJen <333*

When was the last time you cried?: Hmmm… Saturday. I watched RENT again >.<
Have you ever faked sick?: Duh, yeah.
What was the last lie you said?: Errrr… I said I was sorry to my friend for something, when I really wasn’t… but, I hate it when she doesn’t talk to me.
Have you ever cried during a movie?: Yeees.
Have you ever danced in the rain?: Kinda…
Have you ever been drunk?: Hah, no.
Have you ever tried tried drugs?: Nope
Do you smoke?: Nada
What is your full name?: Emily Clare Taylor
What is your blood-type?: No idea.
Have you ever been in a car accident?: Nope
Have you ever had an online relationship?: Nooo.
Have you ever had phone-sex?: Ewewew. No.
Have you ever been rejected by a crush?: Nahh.
What is your favourite sport to play?: Errrrrr, so maaaany… Trampolining *nod*
Have you ever made a prank phone call?: Yeeesh!
Have you ever said "I Love you" and not meant it?: No.
What's your favourite childhood memory?: Hmm. When I got an ice-cream in my face, that was funny… cold, but funny.
Is there anything that you have done that you regret?: Probably
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Noooo idea.
What is your political persuassion?: Errr…
Have you ever had cybersex?: Ewwww. No!
Do you believe in g-d?: Yeah
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Not sure
Do you believe in karma?: Nah.
Who was your first crush?: Steven.
Who do yo uhave a crush on?: No one.
How would you describe yourself?: Err… tall *shrug*
What are you afraid of?: Needles...The dark
Are you religious?: ...Not really
What does your screen name mean?: {Leeniebambeenie} - Means, I wanted to be original, so used { instead of [. Hah. And also that I loff whoever gave me that nickname.
What person do you trust the most?: Anum.
What is the best compliment you have ever recieved?: Noooot sure. I don’t make an effort to remember that sort of thing really ><
What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?: I don’t know… and don’t really want to >.<
What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?: 6 months
What is your greatest strength?: I don’t get reeeeally upset easily.
What is your greatest weakness?: I open my mouth before thinking ><
What is your perfect pizza?: Pepperoni and Mushroom <333
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?: Eww. What day is it?
What is your first thought before you go to bed?: Tiiiiiiired.
What college do you want to go to?: Errr… Cardiff *shrug*
Do you get along with your family?: Yeeeeah.
Do you play any instruments?: Piano, Violin, Viola, Saxophone, Clarinet… Triangle!
What kind of music do you like?: Punk and rock
Do you think you're attractive?: Err…. Ummm… Dunno.
Would you ever get a tattoo?: No >.<
How many piercings do you have?: 2 in each ear
Who makes you laugh?: Errrr... Funneeey things.
Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?: Jake Gyllenhaall <3 Ha. Sorry, no insightful answer.
Have you ever seen a dead body?: Only on TV…
Do you have a celebrity crush?: Nuuu *shifty*
What is one thing scientists should invent?: Study-helpers that just implant information. Mhmmm.
Have you ever broken a bone?: Yeah
What happens after you die?: Ummm… you get buried?
Do you watch or read the news?: Naaah.
What stereotype would you label yourself as being?: Noooo idea…
Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?: …
If yo ucould change your name, what would you change it to?: I’d change it like *that* but I don’t know what to >.<
If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go: Back to Year 7, before I moved house.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: Straight. Hair. Please?
Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: Na
Have you ever played strip poker?: Lol, no.
Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?: Probably.
What do you want your friends to think about you?: Don’t care
Whats the biggest argument you've ever gotten into?: Hmmm… this girl reeeeally hated me in Year 9.
HAve you ever bitten someone?: Probably…
When's your birthday?: November 28th
Have you ever stolen anything?: Nah
Do you make wishes on shooting stars?: Heh, no.
Whats the most you've ever eaten in one sitting?: Looooooads of pizza
If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?: Hmmmm… I’ll think about that one.
Do you remember your dreams?: Afraid so ><
Have you ever been in love?: No.
Are you a morning person or a night person?: Morning.
Do you have any phobias?: Snakes ><
What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?: Nooot sure.
Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth?: Yeah.
How many screen names do you have?: Two
Do any medical problems run in your family?: Nope
Have anyone ever been disowned from your family?: Hehe, no.
Have you ever had a nightmare?: Many
Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies?: Enemies…
Would you ever participate in a threesome?: No
Would you ever pay for a prostititue?: No
Have you ever mooned or flashed someone?: No
Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf?: No
Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants?: Nah.
Have you ever written a love letter?: No.
Have you ever attempted suicide?: No
Have you ever been in a fistfight?: Nope.
Do you have any hidden talents?: I can sing okay-ish…
What is one thing you want me to know about you?: Errrr… I like filling in these forms *sucks up* =P
What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask?: … o.o
Do you usually prefer books or movies?: Movies
Who is your favourite person to talk to?: Anum
Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad?: Grace, Anum, Chris
Would you ever have sex before marriage?: Not sure…
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: Anum
Do you have a secret that yo'ure ashamed of?: Hmmm… I dunno.
Do you prefer british or american spelling of words?: Breeteesh.
Have you ever gotten detention?: Nah.
How do you vent your anger?: I stomp… honestly >.<
Have you ever been on a diet?: No
Would you ever date someone younger than you? Older than you?: Yeah.
Is your best friend a virgin?: Yeah
What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you?: Meh. Not sure.
What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?: One thing? Not sure.
Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness?: Nah
Have you ever cut yourself on purpose?: No.
Have you ever wanted to murder someone?: Noooo
Have you ever hated someone?: Yeah… kinda
Do you prefer talking on the phone or online?: Online
Do you consider yourself popular?: Meh.
Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them?: They usually find out anyway >.<
Have you ever had a crush on an enemy?: No!
Have you ever had a crush on a best friend?: Nah
What is your favourite book?: Lemony Snicketty stuff.
Do you have a collection of anything?: Hmm. Nope.
Are you happy with the person you are becoming?: Yes and no.
Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago?: Well… yeah, I’m not 9 any more.
What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now?: In Uni.
Are you happy with the life you have?: Mhmmmm.

Everything you could everrrr want to know =P Hah.

- Leenie
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