i still have halloween candy!

Nov 11, 2004 11:30

oh no.. theres only 1 cheezie left! Soo  today theres no school and stuff because of remembrance day =)  yesterday was the remembrance day thing and i hadda put some poppy on some thing ahha we'll the remembrance day thing was sooo long and boring and i hadda stand up for the whole thing!!! ack.. we needa get some chairs!.. anyways .. in gym we watched some stax cup thing! aahha it was messed... only our school would buy cups with holes in the bottom....=S anyways ssss brendan fry.. er whatever his name is sang some song heee hee hee .. i was trying so hard not to laugh nad nathan and brianna weren't helping.. anyways .. umm i ate my last cheezie ahah im soo bored... im gonna stop now because im bored cyah!!

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