Out Of Otherways

Jul 12, 2005 13:21

Another evening at court.

The summer weather this night is warm - too warm - particularly in the ballroom, where throngs of nobles mill about, dressed in their best court finery. George can feel sweat dripping down the back of his neck, and the velvet of his over shirt is making his back itch. He longs to escape the room, to somewhere cooler, perhaps the wine cellar but court politics demand he remain till midnight at the very least.

He sighs, and makes his way toward an open window, praying at least for a bit of a breeze. The air that does come from outside is sluggish, and brings no relief. He lets his gaze sweep across the room, not for the first time tonight. Still there is no sign of Alanna. Patience is a virtue, but right now he's not feeling overly virtuous.

The wife of an elderly Lord comes to stand by him, and realizing that he has carelessly allowed his court-mask to drop - he instantly re-schools his features into a phony smile. The lady in question appears to have failed to notice the slip, and after exchanging the usual empty pleasantries, immediately insists how he simply must meet her granddaughter, who is visiting the court for the first time. He allows her to pull him across the room, still keeping his eyes peeled for a particular young woman with red hair..
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