from the
Margaret and Helen blog -- a bit i can really relate to:
"Yesterday, I tuned into Rush Limbaugh as I sometimes do. It was funny at first because it sounded like he would explode trying to understand why everyone was so excited about Barack Obama’s inauguration - or as he called it, the immaculation of the messiah. It was funny at first but then he said this: The only reason this is such a big deal is because Obama’s Daddy was black. So I turned Rush off for the last time. He like so many others has now become a relic from the last century.
What he and Hannity, Coulter, Boortz, Beck, Cheney, Rove, Hasselbeck, Palin and even Bush will never understand is exactly why this is indeed a very big deal for more than just the African-American community."
I wish I had a member of my immediate family I could have called just to share my excitement and happiness today. BUT! it's okay. Whatever little family i may end up having some day will not need to be enticed to believe that a day like today is amazing! hope hope hope, future future future