maple, ddr, macs, yadda yadda yadda.

May 05, 2006 22:57

today was a big mapling day. i spent a lot of time revamping my mage since i effed up the stats the first time around. -_- archer and rogue are still coming along slowly though. guess i should've lvl-ed with dave at orbis today... oh well.

also got an A on afronova re-venge tonight - very awesome. my feet were killing me, but it was worth it.

and in the real world, my laptop came this morning at 9am - i was quite awake. but somehow i didn't hear the fedex guy knocking. he must have done one quick knock and then ran away. grr. so i have to wait till monday for my beautiful, beautiful iBook. (oh yeah i forgot to mention that i was impulsive yesterday and ordered a mac. FUCK PC'S!)

and finally, lately i've been thinking about how shitty my memory's getting. so ok, lesson learned: don't kill brain cells with drugs and/or alcohol.

ha ha ha! 'night all.
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