Time of the Season

Sep 28, 2020 09:02

This is a MOOD.

Just a few, trivial things:

Yesterday was Native American Day, which is a cute paper holiday, but doesn't really mean anything to me, other than it's nice to get texts from people.

On Friday night, I watched The Wolfman from 1941 in full, for I think maybe the first time. I want to watch it again with the remake back to back to see how both measure up. The 1941 Larry Talbot is such a creep, it made it less than enjoyable.

I tried to not think about the anniversaries of this last weekend. I thought that with all that was going on in the world, that my brain would just refocus on important things.

I was wrong.

I keep trying to give this record a second, third, fourth, fifth, seventh chance. I really love Allie X, but this album is a snoozefest. There are maybe 3-4 songs out of the 12 that are really good. It's just bland and sounds like it wasn't finished. It's apparently her personal favourite, so I feel bad saying I don't like it, but I just don't like it.

I figured out where the movies that were on my iTunes went! Annoying AF, but found! Hooray for being able to watch this in my room while working out without listening to someone ask stupid questions or talk through the ENTIRE THING.

My GORGEOUS print I ordered from my friend Kristin Allen came a few days ago, and was the reason I watched Fright Night in the first place. Excited to rewatch this one again!

I am SOOOOOO happy with my skin lately. I had to bring it back from the brink because of the wearing 2-3 masks and the face shield every day. I started a new treatment around my eyes and it REALLY shows.

This flip phone selfie (which has been getting a lot of traction on Flickr, WTF) is a really, really good touchstone for how bad my skin used to be. But, TO BE FAIR, this was the look in 2009. Grimy and unkempt was in.

Also, I never get to wear this wonderful Friend Prices shirt, so I did that on Saturday. I am trying to wear more of my clothes on the weekend and not JUST spent the entire day in pajamas.

Trying and struggling is still trying.

Off to drink my poor man's mocha to bring on the day.

werewolves, pic spam, werewolf movies, a case of the problems, a life in the day

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