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Apr 09, 2004 15:13

well monday n tuesday were actaulyl really good for lots of stuff to do for student council, and carolyn and i did a really good job of covering for sister, so did o'connell thanks so much for all ur help, i have had free 8th so i have gotten mad shit done

omg today was the best day, first off, we had 26 minute classes and whelan counted all the money i was holding for the dance n it was over a $1000..hott We had stations of the cross and then Operation resurection mass service in chael for anyone who had someone die in their family, all the people get a lily. they called Pop's name out and i got one even though i was helping givn them out.. it made me realize that he really has passed and it just sucks esecally for my dad i know hes going trough it hard, .. i almost got upset bc its so sad, but i was strong.. RIP POP..02-03-04..We did so much running around today equally bloated...after school i went to the mall with SIR JAX MCcLAX! yay i got my CD PLAYER in my caR! Jax we had soo much omg u crack me up soo much omg i was pissn myself.. man o man...i appreciate you very much, we got the hottest shirts but BLONDES do it bettER! ahahahaah omg ahahhaha love ya hunni!!

Tonight we had the social omg it was the hottest thing in the whole world, it ws suppose to be our last one for the year but i was thinking were gonna do another one,there were so many cute cute boys there, then went to nifty ffties after till it closed holla... omg wow tonight was soo great i was just so excited about the dance.. we hit like the MAXIMUM PEOPLE which is 650 ..

Thursay~~ I had work i went in early bc lisa's stupid ass dog is sick feel better kami! any way work was so great.. hott ass boy there workn!!! matt n bry looked at my cd player n they said its installed wrong.. so did sara n dave im like wtf. any way i went to my first club!! at the cave and flow! HOLEY U R THE HOTTET FUNNIEST GIRL! OMG.. let me go get my niggas! HOTT GUYS IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! NICHOLEY UR THE GREATETS U GOALED THE WAITER! ur man is hott too.. fallon, daniele,n her 2 cousins went omg it was soo great.. we got chased my the cops and then we went out to eat! fallons b day!! LISA UR COOL WATCHN THE FYERS GAME..REALLY TURNING INTO A PROFESSIONAL COUCH POTATO SCULLY...AHAHHAH..OMG SOO GREAT LOVE U GIRLS! WORK 2 NITE YAY!!
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