As far as weaponry goes, I’ve always been a huge fan of modified guns/bows and huge, flashy things that would be utterly unwieldable in real life. Despite their prevalence in video games, I’ve found less of the former in anime, but the latter is certainly represented in spades. After all, anime is limited by the imagination, not the laws of
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So you hate Death Note? How come? No judgement, just asking. ;)
I would be lying if I said that a chunk of my reason for hating Death Note wasn't The Thing That Happens. Especially because it seemed out of character for the victim and because they were teasing the fangirls intensely leading up to it. (The handcuffs? Seriously?) But mostly I dislike Death Note because the only moral compass in the story is Light's father and I spent every episode fearing he would die or be disgraced.
I'd still like to hear your choice (even if something silly from KKM!) if you've got one, but I know you probably won't post one now. :P But thanks for your thoughts on Death Note! I find it interesting (because it is different from me) how your like/dislike of a story often hinges on your feelings about a particular event within, rather than the narrative as a whole. That trait is part of why I think others are more articulate at discussing their feelings about a book/series/etc than I am, because I rarely can pinpoint a specific reason that determines my judgement.
how your like/dislike of a story often hinges on your feelings about a particular event within, rather than the narrative as a whole.
It was a significant event, but I've been known to overcome those (see: Hikaru no Go). In my mind, the wrong guy won that battle, which does impact the story as a whole. But please don't underestimate my distaste for a series with no sympathetic protagonists. I love characters first, and I couldn't love, like or even admire the breathtaking audacity of the central characters here.
Well said, and the main reason I can't bring myself to like Death Note. (I wanted to so bad though ><)
Truly, I find how individualized people can be in their reactions to stories is vast and interesting. XD
Aside curiosity: Does naming something specific as it pertains to the meme question automatically make people assume you like the series it's a part of?
Yes, but I can accept that it isn't true. It's just that I don't normally think of series I don't like when I'm scouring for answers unless the question is "name something from a series you don't like." Therefore, whatever "it" is would really have to stand out in my memory if I didn't like the series that contained it.
ANYWAY, Death Note:
Honestly, I have little love for the characters myself; my admiration (for the parts of the story that warrant it) is purely derived from the theoretical. What I *actually* like about Death Note is how it plays with the theme of hero & villain, and in particular as it relates to the Shounen Jump formula ( ... )
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