Sep 02, 2010 12:37

THE RULES HAVE CHANGED - Please read them.

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FILL: part 8/? swirlsofblue September 16 2011, 15:48:26 UTC
The next morning when they finished breakfast and Neal moved to clear the table, Peter stopped him.

“Sit down please, we want to talk.”

“Yes Peter.” Neal sat nervously, fingers curling into themselves.

“There are going to be some new rules,” Peter said, pausing to let the words settle, “I want you to understand that while El and I would prefer you to follow them, breaking them will not result in punishment of any kind.”

“Yes Peter,” Neal replied rote like always.

“No, Neal I want you to understand, you aren’t going to get hurt,” Peter insisted, beginning to get upset.

“Sweetie,” El placated, with her hand on Peter’s arm, “Just carry on.”
Peter sighed.

“The first rule is about the decisions you make. We will be giving you a choice in matters, when this happens your answer must be genuine- based on what you want or need, no thinking about what we want you to say or do, or possible tricks.”

Neal blanched. He’d probably been taking too much time to answer their questions, and now he wasn’t even allowed to think about his answer? He would have to just guess. This was bad.

“It’s ok, remember nothing bad will happen, we just need to know what you need,” El reassured.

Neal nodded silently. The table waited an awkward beat. Peter opened and closed his mouth twice, before finally continuing.

“The second rule is to ask a question when you have one; this includes if you need clarification on something we’ve said, or if you want or need something.”

“Yes Peter,” Neal answered, hiding his bitter smile.

He had gotten that rule from masters before, and in his experience it had been both good and bad for him, often just a game for them to mess with him. But if he was going to be punished anyway, at least he was allowed to ask if he needed to toilet.

“Ok?” Peter asked, surprised by the non-reaction. It almost felt for a moment like the old Neal was back, hiding as succinctly as always. Peter made a mental note to stop kidding himself. He continued at Neal’s nod.
“The third rule is that if you do or don’t want to do something, you must tell us.”

Neal works to hide his immediate refusal of that rule, lest it show on his face. Why would he tell them what he doesn’t want to do just so they can make him do it? He may be a nobody but he isn’t that much of an idiot.

“Tell you what, if you promise to follow that rule, Peter and I will make a rule for ourselves saying we won’t make you do anything you don’t want to,” Elizabeth offers.

Peter raises an eyebrow indicating that this is Neal and that’s asking for trouble, Elizabeth’s responding eyebrow points out this is a very different Neal, and Peter acquiesces.

“Yeah, just say you don’t want to do something, and you won’t have to do it, and that’s the end of the matter,” Peter added.

A sprout of hope shoots up through Neal’s mind at that. There’s one thing he hates. One thing he would definitely do without. He desperately shoots down the hopeful weed. There’s no point; hope only leads to further despair. It’s all a trap. Trap, trap, trap, Neal stomp-emphasises in his head.


“I want this,” Neal says, voice shaking tearfully.

‘Remember the consequences of disobedience’ runs rampant like too bright words frozen onto his irises.

A hand slithers across his torso. The man leers with lasciviousness. Neal unconsciously slouches in on himself, measly protection for his vulnerably bare body. Overly wet lips kiss slimy saliva onto him, and Neal’s fingers twitch resisting the urge to shrug the man off.

“Hey!” a note of urgent concern diffuses the air. That didn’t happen. Odd.

*flashback ends*

“Hey!” the voice repeats; it’s Peter, “you ok? You spaced out on us for a minute.”

“I’m sorry, very sorry,” Neal apologetically pleaded, realising his mistake.

“That’s ok, I think that’s enough rules for now, why don’t we watch some TV?” Peter asked, yet again restraining himself from giving Neal a hug.

“Yes Peter,” Neal responded, warily relieved.


Re: FILL: part 8/? swirlsofblue September 16 2011, 16:13:38 UTC
I really missed this story and hoped you'd continue however I've got a suggestion for you.

These rules Peter and El have given to Neal are really way too complicated for him to deal with at this point. They have him already thinking that this is just more messing with him, with his mind, something more to be afraid about.

I'd think they'd start with something simple, where he doesn't have a choice and he knows he can only succeed such as Neal must always sleep in the bed in his room. It's simple, there's not really much to think about and he could feel secure in following it. Once he becomes comfortable in the very simple rules, then he could build up to something like a choice, or thinking for himself.


Re: FILL: part 8/? swirlsofblue September 16 2011, 16:50:30 UTC
Thanks, it's good to know people are still looking forward to it :).

Thankyou for the suggestions, the thing was I had to set them up to fail, because it went back recapping from part six, wherein there was the line;

"As time went by Neal’s behaviour didn’t seem to change much, of course it was still early days but Peter had hoped there would be at least a modicum of difference after two weeks."

And now we're still filling in the gap of two weeks. Don't worry, after the rules fail, a good solution comes out of it. :)


Re: FILL: part 8/? swirlsofblue September 19 2011, 12:44:53 UTC
I agree with you here. I can't wait to see where the author is going with the path she chose for the story, but your suggestion makes a lot of sense. But anyway, I'm glad there's a new chapter!


Re: FILL: part 8/? swirlsofblue September 19 2011, 12:47:18 UTC
And when I say "I agree with you" I'm talking about the anon post about making easy rules.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: FILL: part 8/? swirlsofblue September 17 2011, 06:34:58 UTC
Thankyou :) I haven't gotten around to posting it on my LJ yet, probably will today :)


Re: FILL: part 8/? swirlsofblue September 16 2011, 21:52:32 UTC
So happy to see an update on this story! Thanks!


Re: FILL: part 8/? swirlsofblue September 17 2011, 06:36:08 UTC
Thankyou :)


Re: FILL: part 8/? ivorysilk September 18 2011, 04:38:55 UTC
This is still great--and I'm so glad you're continuing it--I love the doublespeak, and how you show how brainwashed Neal has become--but I'm hoping it's slowly working, that Peter and Elizabeth are able to undo at least some of the harm. Looking forward to more!


Re: FILL: part 8/? swirlsofblue September 18 2011, 06:25:13 UTC
Thankyou, I'm pleased you're still finding it great :). It's going to be a slow road to recovery, so have to wait and see :).


Re: FILL: part 8/? ladydragoness September 19 2011, 00:35:08 UTC
Very interesting. I've read the whole thing, thus far, between yesterday and today. I really like it and can't wait for part 9.


Re: FILL: part 8/? swirlsofblue September 19 2011, 06:13:58 UTC
Thankyou, I'm glad you liked it :)


Re: FILL: part 8/? teleens_journal December 1 2012, 17:41:56 UTC
Was this ever completed?


Re: FILL: part 8/? swirlsofblue December 1 2012, 17:46:46 UTC
No, but I still haven't given up on it, I've actually written bits of part 10 and 11 but part 9 is being a b**** and I'm really lacking inspiration for White Collar.


Re: FILL: part 8/? teleens_journal December 1 2012, 21:42:57 UTC
I know all about writer's block, so I understand completely. I wish you all the best & will wait patiently for the next installment.

Thanks for writing! :)


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