Oct 16, 2008 02:35

Who: Haine and Badou
What: Haine returning home from Japan, random gunfire in several alleys, and Haine's (extremely NC-17) birthday present to Badou.
Where: the streets of the Underground City, and Haine and Badou's apartment.
Why: Because H/B finally needed to just fucking have sex already.
When: Monday, October 13.
Notes: Your characters weren't there and didn't witness this. This is rated NC-17 for virginity-lossage.


"Jesus balls shit fuck damnit whores cock sucking twat douching dick fucker-" gasped Badou, running down the street with his hair streaming behind him like a bright COME AND GET ME flag. His scummy boots pounded the pavement almost as fast as his admittedly quite weak heart pounded against his ribcage. "FUUUUUUCK-"

From behind him came the sound of gunfire, and pursuing feet. Badou made a helpless, terrified mole kind of noise, screeching, "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! CAN'T WE JUST ALL FUCKING GET ALONG!" A bullet dinged off his helmet, and this time the helpless, terrified mole was on fire.

Haine, walking his way from the train station to their apartment, heard Badou's shout and dropped his rucksack, drawing his guns and running toward the sound of his partner's voice and the unrelenting gunfire.

Badou's bright hair came into view as the albino rounded a corner, and without second thought, Haine turned his attention to the men chasing Badou, shooting them each in the middle of the forehead.

Badou howled in terror as fucking gunfire suddenly came from somewhere else what the cocks what the sweaty hot doggin' cocks. As his head snapped around to find the source of the gunfire, he ran right into the grill of a beaten old convertible, doing a flip over the hood and landing with a painful CRACK upside down on the windshield.

Whimpering, he covered his eye.

Haine put his guns back in their holsters and went back to pick up his rucksack. With his enhanced hearing, Haine could hear another group of men with guns approaching, so he ran back to peel Badou off of the hood of the convertible. "Badou! What the fuck did you do? There are at least ten guys coming up after you, not including the four I just killed!"

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" shouted the redhead, his face apparently stuck in a rigor mortis expression of panic. A slew of bullets blasted through a neon sign just to the left of them, and Badou yelped and made a dive behind Haine. "OKAY I MIGHT HAVE DONE SOMETHING."

Haine let out a heavy breath of exasperation, dragging Badou around a corner. "Run, idiot. I'll get them." Haine turned around, ducking behind a dumpster, and picked off the first three guys that turned the corner behind them. The other seven slowed down, quickly finding the white shock of hair behind the dumpster, and they opened fire as Haine picked off two more. The remaining five turned out to be much better at their jobs and they leapt behind their own dumpster. Haine managed to pick off another before they'd organized themselves, and another as they opened fire. The remaining three were decent marksmen, and a few bullets managed to find their targets, one in Haine's shoulder, another in his side, and a third in his stomach. It didn't take long, though for Haine to pick them off, one by one.

Badou, meanwhile, was tearing ass down the nearest alley, where he stepped in several unsavoury things, and fell to the ground screaming and clutching his shin when one was an angry stray cat.

Haine reholstered his guns, and ran off in the direction of Badou's screams, wincing at the pain from his gunshot wounds. "Badou?" he called.


Haine stalked up to Badou, and kicked the cat away, before kicking Badou squarely in the stomach. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked, a trickle of blood sliding down his lip.

"I didn't- OOMPH!" Badou groaned, arms looping around his stomach as he rolled onto his side and coughed"A-asslover!" On the other side of the building, the cat had similar complaints.

"What did you do?" Haine asked angrily, vaguely noticing that he was bleeding on his rucksack, and spitting blood out onto the street.

The redhead moaned some more, mumbling about the alley syphilis he probably had all over his face now.

Haine grabbed Badou by the front of his shirt and pulled him up off of the ground. "Badou. Tell me what the fuck just happened."

"Cabriones," rasped the redhead. "Maybe kinda slapped the wrong chick's ass in the club. Like... Marion Cabrione's ass. She was cool about it. I don't think she gave me her real number though." He coughed again, adding. "Hi, Haine."

Haine smacked Badou upside the head. "You're a fucking idiot." He threw Badou back down onto the ground. "Get the fuck up and let's go home." He sighed and said almost as an afterthought. "Hi, Badou."

He then promptly threw up and entire stomachfull of blood.

"Maybe 000 is a real area code, though," mumbled the thoroughly abused Badou, getting to his feet again. He was unperturbed by the vomiting next to him. "I mean. Could happen, right?"

At the other end of the alley, there was a roar of outrage, and someone shouted something terribly cliche like "GET HIM" or "THERE HE IS."

Haine wiped his mouth off on his sleeve. "Fuck." He drew his Mauser again, picking off a few of their pursuers as he began to run, taking a hold of Badou's sleeve and dragging him after him.

With Badou directing them into a maze of filth encrusted alleys and the constant threat of the bang of a Mauser being the last thing they'd ever hear, the hitmen's pursuers soon were confused shouts and pained groans far behind them. Finally, Badou leaned against the side of a dumpster, intake of breath sounding like a revving engine as he took frantic drags off his cigarette [he, apparently, not the being best at cause and effect].

Haine leaned against the wall next to the dumpster and caught his breath. "I don't even know where the fuck we are anymore," he whined, spitting out another mouthful of blood. He was quiet for a moment. "Welcome back to the fucking Underground City, Haine," he muttered, with a soft laugh.

Badou didn't either, really, but he decided not to mention that yet. As he started to be able to breathe without feeling like his lungs were on fire, he panted, "Japandia might have underpants in vending machines, but they don't got the friendly kinda folks we got here. Weren't you homesick?"

"Not for the atmosphere," Haine said, lips quirking lightly into a smile. He picked absently at the bullet in his shoulder. "Can we go home now?"

"Uhhhhhhh." Badou looked around. "About that."

Haine sighed heavily. "Badou. I just spent twelve hours on an airplane. I want to go home. Please tell me that you know where we are."

Badou's nervous laugh preceded his backing up slowly, out of range of Haine's fist.

"Don't you know the graffiti...?" asked Haine, clenching his fists.

Eye darting to the fists, to the brick walls around them, and back, Badou gave another nervous laugh. "Silver's tacky. I dunno what gang uses it."

Haine punched the dumpster, leaving a dent in the metal. "Well then fucking find something that looks more familiar," he said through clenched teeth.

As if something possessed him [because he was stupid but not THAT STUPID], Badou found his pointer finger slowly raising. "Boop," he said, pointer poking Haine's nose.

Haine glared at Badou. "What the fuck are you doing."

"....I found something," rasped Badou. He blinked.

Haine smacked Badou in the forehead. "You're a fucking idiot. HOME, jackass. Which direction."

"I'm not a fucking bloodhound!" snapped Badou, punching the other man back in the shoulder. The bullet that had been caught in the skin clinked to the pavement.

"Thanks," said Haine, rolling his eyes. He slammed Badou back against the dumpster and started looking for a more familiar street, rucksack still over his shoulder. "By the way," he said over his shoulder, "Happy birthday."

Badou barked a laugh, rubbing shoulders that he was fuckin' sure had to be bruised. He trailed after the other man, whining, "Been a real fuckin' blast so far. I think Mimi forgot. Man, nobody gives a fuckin' shit. I bet you didn't even get me anything."

Haine shrugged, heading for the next corner. "Like anyone gives a shit about my birthday either. And of course I got you something."

Perking, Badou's long, slow strides caught up with Haine's quicker, shorter ones. "You diiid? What'd ya get? Is it in your rucksack? Lemme see. What is it?"

"Home first," Haine said, speeding up.

Badou's fingers plucked at the rucksack on Haine's back. "Fuck thaaaat, what is it? I bet it's in here, it has to be. 'Less you got it outta Skymall. That shit's awesome. Did you get it outta Skymall? Man, I want a robot for the pool that fetches beer. They got those, for real. Is it in here? What is it? I want it now-"

Haine punched Badou in the face and took his bag back. "Home first."

"Akmdflmkfk!" said Badou, clutching his face. He didn't make another grab for the bag as they made their way.

Haine pointed at a wall after a few minutes of walking. "Orange. I see orange paint. Whose's that?"

"Ozzers," mumbled Badou, subtly shifting just to the back of Haine. "Love PCP. Uhm. Either lower north-east or lower east."

"Okay. Which way?" Haine finally plucked the bullet out of his side and threw it down an alley.

Badou jerked his chin, and the two disappeared down yet another side alley. Before long, they emerged in a very familiar slum.

Haine sighed in relief. "Better," he said, elbowing Badou in the ribs.

They finally approached their building, and Haine collapsed into the elevator. "Fuck the stairs," he said. "You coming?"

"Seeya soon~" Badou called over his shoulder, already heading for the stairs. Hell to the no was he taking the demon lift.

Haine rode the elevator up without incident (for once), and let himself into the apartment, dropping his blood soaked rucksack haphazardly on the floor and shucking off his jacket, boots, and ruined shirt.

When Badou got in, he was out of breath again. "Jesus fucking Christ," he wheezed, bending over with his hands on his knees like an old coot. "Why the shitballs did we think a seventh floor flat would be awesome, again?"

Haine tossed his shirt into the bedroom. "Remember the alternatives?" he asked, pulling off his socks.

"Deaf old lady who wanted to gum your peeper like a pro," rasped the redhead brightly. He shucked his coat and kicked off his boots too, heading for the kitchen. "Y'wanna beer?"

Haine didn't answer, following Badou into the kitchen and pushing him up against the nearest wall, body flush with the other man's. "I'm not thirsty."

"-Er," said Badou, colour rising to his face. "Lots of tiny cups of expensive liquor on the plane, huh. To wash the tiny pretzels down with. That make you feel okay about your tiny dick."

Haine raised an eyebrow. "My tiny dick?" One hand slipped sneakily up under Badou's shirt.

"It's alright if you're lookin' to please an amoeba I guess." Badou grinned, feeling fingers tracing up his stomach. "Weren't you in some kinda retarded bet?"

"Bigger than yours, Badou," Haine said leaning in to nip at the redhead's ear. "Didn't I say I was going to give up?"

Suppressing a pleased noise, Badou shifted against the wall vaguely. "Quitter," he admonished.

"I beat Akaya," Haine said, shrugging and kissing just behind Badou's ear. "And I was up against fucking Setsuna and Chidori."

"Where the fuck is my gift at?" muttered the redhead, twining his fingers absently through white hair, pulling none too gently. "I'm twenty. That's kind of a a big deal."

"Bedroom," said Haine nipping at Badou's jaw and pulling away just a little. He smirked.

Badou's face lit up like a Christmas tree in a forest fire. "Skymall?"

Haine sighed. "You're a fucking idiot. Just get in the bedroom." Haine pulled away further and shoved Badou in the general direction of the bedroom.

Stumbling, Badou laughed, murky green eye immediately snapping around the room in search of a golden toilet, a stripper with tassels, or a cigarette the size of a sleeping bag. "Where is it?"

Haine rolled his eyes and didn't answer. Badou was just as fucking oblivious as ever. He shoved the redhead backwards onto the bed, crawling on after him.

Absently, Badou decided being shoved into bed by Haine was a lot better than being shoved into brick walls and dumpsters by Haine. Still, what a pushy fucker. He noogied the albino's head vigourously, grinning. "C'mon, boy, where is it? Huh, boy?"

Haine caught Badou's wrists and held them still. "Let me give it to you."

Badou's eyebrows arched expectantly, a crooked smirk on his lips.

Haine pushed Badou so that he was lying flat on his back, and threw one leg over so that he was straddling the taller man's hips. "You're such a fucking idiot," he said, leaning in to kiss the redhead, hard.

The kiss was abrupt, and Badou couldn't help but gasp a little into Haine's mouth. As soon as he caught up with events, he responded eagerly, roughly.

Haine inwardly grinned, nipping harshly at Badou's lips and letting a hand drift back up under his shirt.

Lips drawing breath against Haine's, Badou's eye glinted with amusement. "Sexual favours? That's my present?" He hadn't been touched like that in more than two damn weeks. Restlessly, he shifted. "I get those from you all the time. On tap. Because you love the cock."

Haine nipped at Badou's jaw and flushed, unwittingly. "No." He pushed Badou's shirt up roughly. "Shut up."

"No?" Badou turned his head, teeth finding Haine's ear. "I'm not judging you because you love the cock. My cock, mostly. I mean, it's a pretty awesome cock."

"I already promised to you, so maybe it's not much of a gift..." Haine began to babble, kissing Badou's neck and digging his nails lightly into his side.

Not really listening, Badou shivered just a bit in response to his partner's nails. "Mm, that's good, harder. What?" He ran his fingers up Haine's bare back, retracing lines of muscle that were already familiar.

Haine didn't answer, moving to kiss Badou again as he scratched down Badou's side with his fingernails.

Returning the kiss made Badou forget momentarily about his present. He moved his mouth against Haine's playfully, licking and nipping.

Haine couldn't help a sigh that escaped. He'd missed this. He pushed Badou's shirt up further, tracing his fingers lightly over the lines of Badou's chest as he kissed him more insistently.

Badou made a noise low in his throat, matching intensity for intensity.

The sound Badou made spurred Haine on, and he lowered himself to lie flush with the other man, his hips rolling lightly almost of their own volition.

The redhead let a shaky, rasping chuckle into Haine's mouth. "Sure you wanna drop outta the bet? Fifty bucks..."

Haine smiled. "Setsuna told me that he's never jerked off," he said, kissing Badou softly between sentences. "I couldn't win." Another kiss. "This is worth more than fifty bucks."

"Present my ass," mumbled Badou to Haine's cheek, grinding his pelvis up into the other man's, subtle as a neon blinking sign.

Haine's breath hitched in his throat. "This is a great fucking present," Haine breathed, rolling his hips to meet Badou's again. "Pun intended."

"Nn," responded Badou succinctly, nails digging into Haine's lower back. "Ah. Sure."

Haine smiled, dipping his head to nip at Badou's throat. He pushed Badou's shirt up even further. "Off," he demanded.

His t-shirt bunched practically up his nose, Badou snorted [cotton] and pushed Haine's hand away. He stripped off the shirt, his hair getting mightily mussed in the process.

Haine leaned back in to nip at Badou's collarbone, his hand sliding down the newly exposed skin, coming to rest at the button of Badou's jeans.

Badou settled comfortably back, and started humming the 'Happy Birthday' song to himself.

Haine snorted. "You're a jackass," he muttered against Badou's shoulder as he unbuttoned and unzipped Badou's fly.

Laughing, Badou carded his fingers absently through Haine's hair, yanking obnoxiously. "I don't see you stopping."

Haine nipped at Badou's collarbone, hard. "That's because I like it," he said, tugging Badou's jeans down.

"Cock?" beamed the redhead, colour rising mildly to his face at the press of the other's teeth. He wriggled his hips, helping Haine remove the jeans.

Haine ignored what Badou had said and sat up to get better leverage, pulling the jeans all the way off and tossing them into a corner, before placing both hands on the redhead's chest and scraping his nails down harshly.

"Fuck-" swore Badou, the colour on his face deepening. His hands gripped the albino's hips. "Jesus fucking Christ."

Haine kept sliding his hands down, nails sliding over Badou's hips and down his thighs, taking his boxers with them.

Badou arched into the touch, hips rising enough off the bed to take off the boxers completely. "..to meeee.." he rasped, off key and slightly breathless.

Tossing the boxers into the corner along with the rest of Badou's clothes, Haine leaned back in to kiss Badou again, biting at the other man's lips almost hard enough to draw blood.

Wrapping his arms around the other man's shoulders, Badou returned the hard kiss with even more fire, playing around over and done with. He pushed his hips up into Haine's again, tongue licking deeply into the other man's mouth.

Haine ground his hips harder down into Badou's impatient with the thick fabric of his leather pants, that suddenly seemed just as uncomfortable and hot as Badou always complained they were. Without breaking the fiery kiss, Haine shifted to unbutton the fly of his pants, and attempted to pull them down, unable to get enough leverage to get very far.

Badou's laugh was muffled in Haine's mouth, and he broke the kiss to slide his hands down Haine's ass, tugging the stupid leather pants down to the albino's knees. "Up," he mumbled, impatient and amused, his scarred hand already sliding down toned abs and through soft white hair, touching and caressing. "Come on, fucker."

Gasping at the sudden contact, Haine shifted, pulling the pants off the rest of the way and leaned back in to kiss Badou again, his hand finding its way between their bodies, stroking lightly.

Mouth parting against Haine's to give a raspy moan, Badou was unashamed- they were way beyond embarrassment at this point. Every touch Haine gave him felt like a relief and a building of pressure all at once. "Yes- god, fuck."

With his free hand, Haine reached into the space between the mattress and the wall where they'd hidden the small bottle of lube, clutching it tightly, anxiously in one hand has he moved to kiss Badou's neck, hiding his face.

Badou's eye shuttered in pleasure as he tipped his head back to Haine's kisses, characteristically oblivious to Haine's building anxiety. He pushed Haine's working hand away, stroking them together heavily.

Haine moaned into Badou's neck, forgetting for a moment what he was doing, but quickly snapping back into the moment. He flipped the top of the bottle in his hand open, wincing a little at the clicking noise it made. He shifted to pour some of the lube onto his fingers, getting more and more nervous as time went on.

Thanks to the click, Badou caught on to what he assumed Haine's intentions were. He quirked a crooked smirk, his working hand slowing and then slipping out from between them entirely. Pushing at Haine's shoulder to free himself, he scooted up the bed, bringing up his legs to bend at the knee and letting them fall open. He gave his partner a grinning, amused look, laced with lust.

Haine was sure that Badou still had no idea what his real intentions were, but at this point, that was probably a good thing. Badou's continuing enthusiasm made Haine's breath hitch in his throat and he shifted so he was kneeling in between Badou's legs, one finger gently probing as his other hand moved to stroke Badou slowly.

"Ah..." Badou tensed, then consciously made himself relax. They'd practiced this before on both of them, and they were starting to get, so he thought, pretty okay at it. He focused on the slow strokes, wrapping his hand loosely around Haine's for more pressure.

Haine pressed his finger in slowly, carefully, searching for that spot, concentrating on being as gentle as possible, as his heart hammered harder in his chest.

"Wh..." Making an effort to think clearly, Badou blinked a few times. Haine's face was all scrunched up and narrowed. "What? S'wro-oh shit!" Just barely, the redhead kept his eye from rolling into the back of his head. He'd never fucking get used to the sudden, intense pleasure that weird little spot brought. And Haine was getting better and better at finding it quicker every time. His breath came shallow. "Christ."

Haine relaxed just a little bit, taking a deep breath and attempting to slowly introduce a second finger, so distracted that his other hand stilled completely.

Which was fine, as Badou's hand, still curled around Haine's, took over with enthusiasm. "Fuck, Haine..." The sensation was thoroughly toe-curling enough to distract the taller man from the slight pain that came with the second finger.

Haine's fingers found their way back to Badou's prostate, gently stretching him out as he stroked that spot, his own breath becoming heavy with anticipation.

Moans started to tumble from Badou's lips as wave after wave of pleasure shook through him, each one pushing him a little bit higher, a little bit closer to release. "Oh, fucking shit, fucking, fuck..." His hand on Haine's sped up, wanting to rush headlong towards the finish line.

Haine forcibly slowed his hand in Badou's, not wanting this to be over before they got to the main event, also attempting to carefully and slowly introduce a third finger. Expecting Badou to catch wind of his true intentions any second, Haine held his breath.

Badou grunted at the further intrusion, the stretch on his muscles painful. His eyebrows also knit in frustration at the denial of his orgasm. "Ahhh. The fuck, Haine- ahhh, ah." Still, he didn't put all the pieces together.

Haine let out the breath just a little bit, pushing further slowly, stretching as best as he could while trying not to cause Badou too much pain, unsure of how to take the next step.

Shifting and swearing hoarsely, Badou slowly, painstakingly adjusted. He bore down on the fingers tentatively, rewarded by the sharp, white-hot spike of pleasure that shot up his spine and made him writhe. It still hurt, quite a bit, but fuck if that spot didn't make it worth it. "Mmm..."

Haine bit down on his lip hard enough to draw blood as he stretched Badou out as much as he could. "Badou?" he asked carefully, starting to get painfully aware of his own arousal, his stomach flipping over in anticipation.

"H-huh?" rasped the other man, shakily. His eyepatch was askew as he looked up at Haine, his hair flopped messily over that side of his face.

Haine used his free hand to gently remove Badou's eyepatch. "...you ready?" he asked, carefully.

Badou bit his own lip, clenching around the fingers in his body in random shivers. "Wh-what?" he grit. "I b-been ready, I need to come, Haine-"

"No," said Haine, more insistently. "Are you ready?"

Finally, it hit. Badou's eyes widened hugely, unseeing and seeing. "Oh."

Haine's non-eyebrows knit together. "...Badou?"

There was a tense few moments of silence.

Then, Badou exhaled a shuddery breath. "Yeah, fuck it." A wry, crooked grin stretched his lips. "Lets do this fucking thing."

Haine let out the breath he'd still been half-holding, and grinned back. "Yeah?" he asked, already reaching for the bottle of lube again.

Instead of responding, Badou took the bottle from Haine, squeezing a generous amount into his own palm. He then pulled the albino closer, wrapping his hand around the other man's length and slicking it, strokes firm and thorough.

Haine couldn't suppress a low groan, his heart beating out of control. "Okay," he breathed shifting to position himself between Badou's legs. "Okay."

As slowly as he could make himself go, Haine pressed forward, already almost overwhelmed by the heat, how tight it was, and even just the fact that this was happening at all. He had to take a deep breath to keep himself from losing his self-control. "Fuck," he breathed, "Badou...?"

On either side of Haine's lap, Badou's long legs shook. His mismatched eyes were squeezed shut, his mouth parted as he took in sharp, shallow breaths. "Jesus motherfucking Christ," he forced through clenched teeth. It burned, felt like he was going to be split up the middle- it was fucking too much, and Haine wasn't even all the way in yet. "Hnnn."

"Are you okay?" Haine asked, fairly panting and pushing forward just a little bit more.

"No, you shithead," gasped Badou. "Your cock is up my ass. Fucking son of a bitch, how do people do-" the push silenced him, and he broke off with an odd noise from his throat. "C-come on."

"What?" asked Haine, stilling. "What do you want me to do?"

Fisting the bedsheet, Badou took a few measured breaths. His legs jerkily wrapped around Haine's waist, pulling him closer. "In. Finish what you s-started, j-jackass."

Haine didn't have to be asked twice. He completed that careful forward push, stilling again to make sure that Badou was okay, the stop-and-go becoming maddening.

After a long, long few moments where the redhead's body adjusted to the fullness, a mad sort of laughter bubbled up in Badou's chest. "Move."

Haine held his breath, pulling his hips back just a little, before pushing back in, starting up a slow, shallow, careful rhythm.

Eyes lidded, Badou's grunts of pain gradually lessened, becoming sharp intakes of breath. He watched Haine's slow grind, the play of the muscles in his shoulders, the look on his face that he'd never seen before. "H...ow is it?"

Haine laughed breathlessly. "Fuck, Badou," he said, pulling out a little further before sliding back in with a sharp hiss. "You okay?" he asked, leaning down closer to Badou.

The redhead made an affirming noise, legs still trembling slightly. He managed to get one hand unclenched from the bed sheet, and twined it in Haine's hair. "M'...okay. Fuck me, Haine."

Haine groaned at that, increasing the pace of his hips, keeping his eyes trained on Badou's face. "Jesus fucking Christ," he panted, one hand moving between their bodies to take hold of Badou, stroking erratically, having trouble concentrating on anything but the movement of his hips.

Badou hitched one leg up higher on Haine's waist, trying for an angle that hurt less- the touches the other man giving him helping. He met Haine's gaze, experimentally clenching his muscles.

Haine fairly choked on a breath at that, still staring into Badou's face. "Is this okay?" he asked, as an afterthought adjusting his angle, hoping to hit that spot.

"Shut up," rasped Badou curtly in response, bringing Haine's face closer to his, pressing cheek against cheek, his blind eye facing Haine. Just around the edges of the fullness and pain started to bloom something... not so bad. The smoker tightened his muscles again, shivering.

Haine nipped softly at Badou's jaw as he increased his pace just a little, getting a bit frustrated with being so careful. Even as it was, he knew he wouldn't last too much longer, and he tried to devote at least a little of his concentration to the hand still wrapped around Badou.

Badou made a low noise, reaching down. Instead of wrapping his hand around Haine's, however, he removed it, placing it on the bed beside his head. His voice was hoarse when he spoke against Haine's jaw. "Fuck me. How many times you gonna lose your fucking virginity?"

Haine shuddered at Badou's words and moved to allow himself better leverage as he stopped holding back, breath coming in short gasps.

Badou let his eyes close, sighing. "Y-es..."

Haine moved to bury his face in Badou's neck and his eyes closed as well, as he lost himself in sensation, pressure building quickly now.

Absently, Badou heard the floor beneath their mattress creaking, just under their harshly drawn breath. "Come on," he urged Haine lowly, stroking his shoulders, his hair, his back.

"Fuck," Haine breathed, beginning to lose whatever control he still had left. "Badou...I..." he warned, voice shaking.

Badou tilted his partner's face up from his neck, hands still touching and stroking. He covered Haine's mouth with his own, kissing him deeply, roughly.

Haine made a slightly startled sound in his throat, quickly recovering and kissing Badou back, rough and uncoordinated as the movement of his hips finally became too much and he came, groaning into the other man's mouth and clutching so tightly at the blankets on the bed that he nearly ripped a hole in them.

Exhaling hugely, Badou thought Christ, thenoh fuck ew, finishing with well, that's done, then. He kept running his hands up and down Haine's shoulder blades.

Haine moved his face back to Badou's neck, hiding for a moment, and pulling out carefully. "Badou...?" he asked anxiously.

"Mm?" responded Badou, wincing mildly as Haine pulled out. Ah, so the limping jokes had some basis in reality after all. "Jesus, my legs are cramped as shit. Let's do it in a different position next time, yeah?" The redhead curled his fingers into the albino's tousled hair, grinning.

At that, Haine laughed breathlessly, lethargically lifting himself up and moving from between Badou's legs, but staying close, still hiding his face. "Was that...okay?"

"Ehhh. Pack'a smokes might'a been a better gift," hummed Badou airily, eye closing again, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Haine snorted and pulled away, reaching for his rucksack and pulling out a carton of cigarettes with a big red bow on it. "Better?" he asked, finally meeting Badou's eyes.

Badou burst out laughing. Greedily snatching the pack from the other's hand, he gave Haine a sly look as he shook one out of the carton. "Your virginity and- lighter, it's over there on the floor- a high end carton. Yah, alright. I'll accept it." He pulled Haine back, giving him a sloppy kiss. "Thank yoooooou, dogboy. Now, how great of a fucking lay am I?"

Haine laughed again, nipping at Badou's lips. "I can honestly say, it was the best sex of my life," he said, smirking.

Cackling, Badou pushed the other man's face away by the forehead. He stuck a cigarette in his mouth, jutting his chin out for a light. "Well, so long as the sex was good," he sighed dismissively.

Haine lit Badou's cigarette, frowning. He paused for a long few moments before saying, "It wasn't completely terrible for you, was it?"

Shooting Haine an amused look over his cigarette, Badou took a long, long drag. He exhaled ash when he spoke, replying, "Did I blow my rape whistle?"

He reclined back again, humming thoughtfully. "It was weird. It'll get better though, I think. I mean, it started off like. Ugh? and then went to Owwww, and for a couple minutes there towards the end it was Huhhhh? and H...uh."

Sighing in almost-relief, Haine nodded. He was quiet for another minute or two, before suddenly bursting. "Holy shit, Badou, we just had sex."

"I know, I was there too."

Haine halfheartedly shoved Badou over. "Oh, shut the fuck up, you know what I meant."

Turning on his side to face the albino, Badou arched his eyebrows. "Is the world all sparkling and new now?"

Haine smiled. "The world is pretty much the same." He shifted to lie on his back, yawning as he moved. "What about for you? You just had sex with a dude."

The chainsmoker made a face. "The world is achy and sticky in weird, confusing new places."

"It can only go up from there, right?" Haine asked, pulling Badou's arm towards him and biting it.

Badou laughed, flailing his other arm at Haine. "It better, mofo."

"It's me," said Haine, waggling his eyebrows and grabbing at Badou's other arm, tugging him closer. "At any rate...happy birthday, Badou."

A cloud of smoke was blown into Haine's face.

Haine stole Badou's cigarette and took a drag, blowing the smoke back into his face.

Laughing again, unperturbed by the ash, Badou rolled after the albino. He winced slightly, trying to snatch the cigarette back with one hand, and trying to shove his fingers up Haine's nose with the other.

Haine pushed Badou's hands away, attempting to take another drag before the redhead could grab the cigarette back. He managed to take a short puff before the cigarette was ripped from his fingers. He blew the smoke away from Badou this time.

Badou settled off to the side of Haine, smoking and looking thoughtfully at the albino.

Haine settled on his own side of the bed, grabbing a pillow and propping it up under his head. "What?" he asked, noticing that Badou was still looking at him.

"I'm all gross and shit and I didn't come," Badou pointed out. "What are my chances of a Birthday Blowjob in the shower."

Haine pretended to think about it for a few seconds. "I'd say about 100%," he finally decided.

Sitting up, Badou grabbed Haine's arm, smirking. "Time to blow the candle."

haine/badou, log, ooc

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