Jun 15, 2008 01:59

Who: Haine and Badou
What: Cleaning up after a messy job. And. Yanno. Fooling around.
Where: ...Mimi's bathroom.
When: Like a week ago, when Haine and Badou first started staying at Mimi's
Notes: In two parts, part one here. Rated NC-17, your characters didn't see this.


Badou was quiet for a moment, and normally it would have been out of laziness. However, he then pulled his face back out of the white shock of hair to mumble quietly at Haine, with no traces of his usual mockery, "Can I towel you off?"

Haine laughed softly. "If you want to."

A grin broke out on Badou's face, and he seemed to catch his second wind. He gently disentangled from Haine, climbing awkwardly out of the tub. His long feet left big wet footprints on the floor as he retrieved two towels. Instead of wrapping one of them around his waist, however, he laid it out on the floor, like a dingy green picnic blanket. He sat at the end of it, reaching to tug at Haine's arm over the side of the tub, to join him.

Haine tugged at the plug for the drain with his toes and dislodged it as he allowed Badou to tug him out of the tub and onto the towel. "What...?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Just shut the fuck up," muttered Badou, the other towel clutched under his arm. He pulled Haine down to sit on the towel, his hand pressing the centre of the albino's chest to push him into a half-recline. Half-over him, he dropped a brief kiss onto the other man's lips.

Haine smiled, letting Badou do whatever he wanted, trusting the other man implicitly.

Badou's eyes swept up and down Haine's body for a moment, the blind one mimicking the working one like it had sight. Then, the redhead gave a short nod, and fairly attacked Haine's damp head with the fluffy towel. Which was, of course, pink.

Haine laughed. "My hair's going to look ridiculous."

“So, just like usual?" The redhead rubbed the towel in Haine's hair vigourously, putting a leg over his partner's waist and straddling him comfortably as he did.

Haine fake-pouted. "My hair is not ridiculous."

“Its- I don't even know. Like if a porcupine fucked a rooster who fucked a peacock."

Haine stuck out his tongue. "You like my hair."

Badou ignored him. "-and then the peacock fucked a buffalo, who of course fucked a walrus. And here you are today."

"I always knew I wasn't human," said Haine, poking Badou in the ribs.

The redhead gave Haine's hair one last ruffle with the towel, then shimmed downwards off the other man, in the space between Haine's legs. He ran the towel along Haine's shoulders, dipping into the hollows of his collarbones attentively. "Then you should shut up and catch the fucking frisbee when you're told."

“I didn't hear 'dog' anywhere on that list," Haine pointed out, shivering as the towel moved over damp skin.

“The walrus was embarrassed about it, the dog was a drunken one-night-stand." Badou lifted each of Haine's arms, carefully running the soft towel up and down his forearms, into his palms, between his fingers.

Haine smiled at how thorough Badou was being. "I see. That explains a lot."

“Yeah? What's been brought to the fucking light?" The towel skirted into Haine's armpits, tickling obnoxiously.

Haine laughed, twitching away from the towel. "Well. The rooster part explains my huge cock."

"No, the pea-cock does," rasped the redhead, grinning as he ran the towel over Haine's chest. His free hand ghosted gently over one of his partner's nipples, fingers pawing.

Haine snorted, shivering again at Badou's soft touch. "You're a peacock."

“My plumage kicks your plumage's ass," agreed the other man, brushing at Haine's ribcage while his fingers stayed idly toying with a nipple.

“That's because I groom it for you," said Haine, tugging at a lock of Badou's hair.

The redhead traced the pink towel over Haine's abdominals. "And you do a good job. Why do you still have these?"

Haine glanced down at his stomach. "My abs?" He grinned. "Situps."

"I haven't seen you doing fucking sit ups," huffed Badou. He ran his fingers between each muscle. "You're a fucking liar."

“They're still there, aren't they?" said Haine, tightening his abs even more as Badou traced them. "You're not with me all the time."

“I bet you got implants," decided the redhead. Shimmying further down, he brought himself eye to ab with his partner's stomach, and brushed light nipping kisses to them.

"Surgery wouldn't work so well on me, I'm afraid," Haine said, muscles twitching slightly under Badou's lips.

"So you'll never get that tits-job you've always wanted?" Badou smirked against Haine's stomach, licking a wet trail up the centre of his abs.

“You'd like that too much," mused Haine, "it'd be weird."

"True," replied the taller man. His half-damp hair trailed along the other man's skin as he nuzzled his partner's stomach. "All I'd ever get your for Christmas are tube tops."

"Weird," Haine insisted, running his fingers lightly through Badou's hair.

“I could buy you tube tops for Christmas now," hummed Badou. He gave the abs one quick kiss before pushing the towel up and down Haine's thigh, lifting his leg over his shoulder a little.

“I'd look ridiculous in a tube top." Haine watched Badou dry his thigh with great interest.

The redhead grinned up at Haine through his bangs. "I know, that's why I'd buy you them." He pushed Haine's leg up to his chest a little, perfunctorily running the towel along his shin and calf and ankle.


“I could get you a lemon yellow one to match your parasol."

“What sort of pants does one wear with a tube top?"

“You could ask the Bishop, I'm sure he knows."

Haine shuddered in the bad way. "Ugh."

Badou began slowly rubbing dry Haine's other thigh in apology. "I know, liebeling, I know."

“No tubetops," whined Haine.

“Bikinis?" asked Badou hopefully, paying special attention to the inside of Haine's upper thigh.

Haine shivered in the good way. "Not for me."

“It'd make me laugh," pouted the redhead, drying Haine's knee in a demerit.

“I can make you laugh without wearing a bikini."

"...Sometimes," admitted Badou mock-reluctantly. He kissed the inside of Haine's thigh, barely brushing the towel over the rest of his partner's leg.

Haine shivered again. “Sometimes?" he asked.

“Sometimes," murmured Badou. He grinned. "You're all dry. What now?"

Haine shrugged. "I don't know. This was your idea.”

Badou rolled his eye, hands resting on the tops of both Haine's thighs. "Can't think of anything? Guess I'll go take a nap on that pullout."

“Well," said Haine, smirking, "while you're down there?"

“No I will not paint your toenails."

“It was worth asking," joked Haine. "Are you gonna do something or what?"

“Not if you're gonna be all snippy about it. I was all rubbing and petting you and shit and all you got was mouthy instead of relaxed."

“You're just impatient," said Haine, reaching down to tug lightly at a strand of Badou's hair.

The redhead pouted slightly, letting his head rest on Haine's thigh like a faithful dog. "Am not."

Haine petted Badou's head. "You are. And you were awfully chatty for someone trying to relax someone else."

Badou huffed a big sigh. "I'm a chatty fuckin' person. Man, I'll never get this shit right."

Haine smiled, scratching at Badou's scalp. "I didn't say I minded."

Leaning into the headscratches, Badou huffed another big sigh. "Y'were supposed to be all lax and putty in my hands and shit." He paused. "I saw it in a film. The chick was all like, DO ME and stuff after."

“We spent most of the time talking about what animals fucked to create me and how you want to laugh at me in a tube top," Haine pointed out.

Badou's pout increased. "And that doesn't make you horny. Damn."

“Does it make you horny?" Haine asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No, it makes me laugh. .....Ohhhh."

Haine snorted. "I can still be putty in your hands if you want."

“I played with putty once. I got it in my hair and it looked like poo."

“Now that definitely doesn't make me horny."

Badou wailed, and buried his face in Haine's thigh. "I suck at this!"

Haine pet Badou's head comfortingly. "I like you anyway."

From Haine's pale thigh came a harrumph.

Haine laughed softly. "Maybe you should go take a nap on the pullout, Pouty McPouterson."

“That's not funny," came the sullen mumble. Badou turned his face up to Haine's, expression earnest, slightly shy, if Badou Nails was ever shy. "I wanna make you feel good. Really good."

“You always do, mon petit puce."

Badou looked unconvinced.

Haine sighed, pulling Badou's face up toward his. "Just kiss me."

The redhead complied, hand cupping Haine's jaw and kissing him, coaxing the other man's mouth open with a slow and gentle tongue.

Haine sighed happily into the kiss, opening up easily, letting Badou take charge.

Badou kissed his partner languidly, trying to do with his kiss what he'd failed to do with his movie-mimicking antics. He moved his mouth against Haine's in confident but soft motions, one arm lazily sort of slinging around him.

The slow burn of the kiss did exactly what Badou was hoping it would, and Haine felt himself relaxing as he let Badou set the pace of the kiss. He couldn't help, however, a small nip or two.

Unaccustomed to being in charge, Badou floundered mentally for a moment, then settled on just doing what felt right. He'd liked how Haine had held him in the tub, so he pulled Haine a little closer, loose, draped arm wrapping a little more snugly around his partner as they kissed.

Haine smiled into the kiss, always enjoying as much contact with Badou as he could get and welcoming the taller man closer with his body language, a stark contrast to his usual aura of Don't Touch Me.

Body fitting against Haine's, Badou broke the kiss for a few gulps of air, turning his attention to the top of the albino's jaw. His chin bumped the damp bandages around Haine's neck, still smudgily flecked with blood. Aware this was still a semi-no go zone, he tentatively put a hand on the front of them. "Can I-?"

Haine couldn't help the light flush that rose to his cheeks. He nodded in assent. If Badou was comfortable with leaving his eyepatch off, he could leave his bandages off too.

The redhead kissed Haine briefly on the lips before beginning to unwind the bandages. He did so slowly enough that Haine could stop him if he wanted, but efficient enough so that it wasn't a long, drawn-out process. When they were totally unraveled, he pushed them to the side, leaning in to sample the skin he so rarely saw. He kissed and nuzzled the exposed bits of skin, lips warm and firm.

Haine shivered hard - the usually covered skin near his collar was extremely sensitive. He arched his neck to allow Badou better access, a gesture of submission.

Badou eagerly pressed the given advantage, emboldened by the relaxed, submissive state Haine was falling into. Hold on Haine tightening, he began peppering his ministrations with sharp little nips of teeth, scraping gently behind after a soft kiss.

Haine sighed, wrapping an arm loosely around Badou's shoulders and pressing his face into his hair.

A chuckle vibrated on Haine's collarbone, followed by a sweeping lick. "Creepy huffing," came an affectionate mumble.

Haine smiled. "You smell good," he said, "can't help it."

“Girl," mocked the redhead, but his toes warmed at the compliment. He was beginning to misunderstand the strange toe-heat as some kind of indicator that maybe he should kick Haine, if only to kiss his non-bruises better after. "Girly girly girl." His hands explored Haine's waist, his chest, and he brought their mouths back together for another round of lazy kissing.

Haine nipped at Badou's lips. "Do I feel like a girl to you?"

One of Badou's hands gripped his partner's hip, while the other dipped down Haine's stomach, and lower. "I have to admit I aint encountered a girl with one of these before."

Haine laugh-gasped, tightening his hold around Badou's shoulders. "No?"

The redhead palmed the length lightly, teasingly. He ducked his head to nibble at the bandage-free neck again, smirking. "Nope."

Haine's hips twitched impatiently. "Ah-I suppose that's probably a good thing." His eyes shuttered.

“Mmhmm." Kissing a line across Haine's shoulder, Badou increased the pressure in his hand, then loosened it, doing this again and again but not quite moving it. "Probably."

Haine squirmed. "Badou, please..."

"Are you sure you're relaxed enough?" rasped the redhead lowly, giving a shallow stroke.

“I don't know how to be any more relaxed than this," Haine breathed, clutching Badou tighter. "Please.”

Badou lapped at Haine's jaw wetly, hand moving in short, stop-and-start strokes. "Please what?"

Haine squirmed more. "Stop teasing me. Bitte, Badou."

“Does this count as putty in my hands?" He paused, kissing Haine's jaw thoughtfully. "Well…hand?"

Haine whined. "I don't know. Badou..."

“Say yes," grinned the redhead, moving his hand in a long, heavy motion. "Say it, Kapitan."

“Ah...yes," hissed Haine.

Badou turned Haine's face to his, initiating a deep, hard kiss as his hand moved between them. "Good."

Haine moaned into Badou's mouth, kissing him back enthusiastically, as if he were trying to urge on the redhead's hand with the pressure of his tongue.

Feeling his own arousal spike up again, Badou sped up the pace of his hand, building up a breakneck rhythm. Then, naturally, he stopped, and removed his hand entirely. He bit hard at Haine's lips and smirked, sliding into his lap.

Haine whined in what seemed to be pain. "Badou..." he panted

“Shhh," Badou rasped, planting his knees on either side of his partner and rolling his hips into Haine's.

Haine moaned. "Fuck. Badou." He leaned up to kiss Badou again.

The redhead opened his mouth to Haine in more of a gasp than a kiss, as he'd started up a jagged rhythmn in Haine's lap. "Mmf-"

Haine kissed Badou for a few long moments, forgetting to breathe and then falling back, lying down flat on the towel and attempting to catch his breath even as the rhythm of their hips made it harder for him to breathe.

Badou braced his hands on Haine's shoulders for more leverage, groaning heavily. He ground down into his partner as slowly as he could manage, mouth parted in the sheer intense effort of keeping the place slow.

Haine attempted to lift his hips to speed up the pace, frustrated with how slow Badou was going. "Badou," he whined, "schneller."

Back bent in the downward grind, taller man shook his head wordlessly, hair slipping off his shoulders onto Haine's chest. This was his show, and he was setting the pace. His eyes were closed in pleasure, the jagged scar on his right eyelid stark. "Fuck. H-haine."

Haine fairly writhed in frustration, lifting his hands to rest on Badou's hips. "Please."

Unused to pleas versus asking, Badou found himself picking up the pace out of perhaps sheer confusion. He bit his lip again, shudders racing up and down his spine.

“Oh. Yes," Haine breathed, letting his hands run down Badou's thighs and back up to his hips. "Badou.”

"Mehr?" gasped Badou, fingers clutching almost painfully at Haine's shoulders, leaving marks on the pale skin which faded as quickly as they appeared.

Haine nodded frantically. "Ja. Mehr. Stoppen Sie nicht."

The redhead nodded in understanding, and his hips stilled completely.

Haine whined. "Nein...Badou..."

Catching his breath, it took a moment for the redhead to shush his partner. Then, he resumed his downward trajectory from before, squirming somewhat awkwardly backwards to kiss down Haine's stomach.

Haine propped himself back up on his elbows, watching Badou's journey southward, his stomach flipping over in pleasure at the picture it made.

Feeling the stare, Badou's eyes flickered up, murky green meeting red for an instant, in which the redhead flashed a slightly deranged grin. He then curled a warm hand around his partner, ducked his head and made like it was a imported brand cigarette.

A shudder of pleasure ran through Haine's body and he moaned loudly, his head falling back for just a moment before he regained at least a little composure and was able to lift his head again. He wanted to watch.

The redhead was still slightly awkward and very new at this, but what he lacked in experience he made up for in eagerness to please. He slid his lips down and up, picking up tentative speed as he established a rhythm.

Haine groaned. "Oh, fuck, Badou," he breathed between heavy breaths, unable to take his eyes off of what Badou was doing.

Hand and mouth moving in tandem, Badou looked upwards at his partner, hair mussed and ridiculous. Most people would have probably gotten performance anxiety under the scrutiny, but by now the redhead was used to the tracking red eyes- enjoyed them even, when he was being honest with himself. Stomach clenching hotly, his cheeks hollowed as he subtly increased his speed.

Haine bit back a loud moan, his lip bleeding for just a moment before healing. He reached out a hand to gently push Badou's hair out of his eyes, and rested his hand on the taller man's head as it bobbed up and down.

The redhead's free hand slipped between his own legs, the first touch to the heated skin making him gasp slightly around Haine. Eyes still locked with Haine's, he took him deeper, testing his limits.

Haine's eyes shuttered, and he struggled to keep them open, the knowledge that Badou was touching himself pushing him closer to the edge. "Fuck, Badou."

Badou made a humming, inquisitive noise in response, smirking internally.

Haine shuddered, tightening his hand in Badou's hair. "Nahe..." he panted.

Badou's jaw was beginning to ache slightly from the suction, but the ache kept him in the here and now, focusing entirely on bringing Haine off, making the silent albino twitch and moan. The hand on himself stroked in jagged stutters as his attention centered on Haine.

Haine tugged at Badou's hair, quickly losing any semblance of coherency and finally letting his head fall back. "Fuck. Fuck. Ja. Badou."

The redhead's stomach clenched again at how vocal Haine was being. He increased the pace of his hand, his mouth, pulling away to lave his tongue up the underside from base to tip every so often.

Haine continued swearing and calling Badou's name as he came closer and closer and finally came, fairly screaming and yanking at Badou's hair.

Lucky for once in his life to not possess tastebuds, Badou swallowed the mouthful a little awkwardly, mouth making an obscene pop noise as he pulled off and up. Sitting up on his knees, he wiped excess from the corner of his mouth, looking down at the mess of his partner.

Haine went limp, falling back onto the floor and struggling to catch his breath, a vague sort of smile on his completely relaxed face.

Beaming with the satisfaction a job goddamned well done, Badou slid up beside his partner, laying on his back in the crook of Haine's outstretched arm. He turned his face to warmly kiss his partner's cheek, a grin widening on his lips at Haine's goofy afterglow smile.

Haine laughed softly at the kiss and turned his face toward Badou's. "Hi," he said, intelligently.

“'Sup, bro," mumbled Badou, grin widening even more, tinges of colour showing up across his nose.

Haine grinned back, noting the color on Badou's cheeks. "Nothin'".

The redhead shifted a bit, sliding an arm across Haine's chest and pressing his front to Haine's side. "Maybe not on you, anymore."

Haine raised an eyebrow. "And what do you expect me to do about that?"

"Anything or nothing, at this point I don't care. Hum the fanta song, maybe," grinned Badou. Impatient as charged, his own hand found its way back to the good old south.

Haine laughed softly, and shimmied as much as he could with Badou on top of him, dutifully humming the fanta song.

Laughing somewhat huskily, Badou pressed his face under Haine's jaw, kissing and nipping absently as his hand moved. He closed his eyes, concentrating on the sensation, and- embarrassingly enough- the knowledge that Haine was witnessing all of it.

Haine grinned, still trying to calm his breathing, what Badou was doing making it extremely difficult. He kept humming softly, the melody changing into something unrecognizable.

Badou's mouth was parted in a silent moan against Haine's neck; he was not just teasing himself in the least. His other hand groped at Haine's ribcage for purchase, a small "Mmm" managing to escape his lips, barely heard over Haine's wandering hum.

Haine curled a little closer around Badou, urging him along.

The redhead shivered, panting against Haine's skin. "Thinkin' of you," he managed to rasp out, the small O of his mouth quirking up into a grinning laugh. "No fanta. Dammit."

Haine grinned, flushing deeply. "Mon petit puce," he whispered.

"Just kidding. Fanta giiiiirl," Badou rasped back, teasingly. His grin faltered slightly as he gasped, nearing his peak again. "Shit. Kussen mich."

Haine snorted, rolling over so he was hovering over the redhead, and leaned in to kiss him, hard and biting.

Badou squirmed, kissing back roughly. When they parted, he panted, "C-can you-?"

Haine raised an eyebrow. "Can I what?" he asked, nipping at the redhead's jaw.

"Touch me, please,"sighed the redhead, hips stuttering in his hand at the thought.

Haine smirked and slid his hand down the expanse of Badou's chest, kissing him hard again as he took him in his hand.

Badou groaned into Haine's mouth, his hands clutching at the small of his partner’s back.

Starting up a quick, heavy rhythm, Haine moved to nip at the bitemarks on Badou's neck that he'd left behind earlier.

Moans jagged and guttural, Badou wasn't going to last much longer. His whole body felt coiled towards the next moment. "Yes, oh, fuck, Haine, Haine, goddamn-"

Haine kissed the spot just behind Badou's ear and sped up just the littlest bit.

"Ffffuck," Badou grit out, nails biting into Haine's lower back as he came hard between them, too overwhelmed to do much more than whimper.

Haine grinned and nipped at Badou's jaw, moving to rest beside him, head resting on the other's shoulder.

Utterly satisfied, Badou let out a shaky breath. He nosed the top of Haine's head lazily, closing his eyes, for once just enjoying the moment. He could motormouth later.

Haine wiped his hand off on Mimi's towel, then let it drape across Badou's middle, also just enjoying the moment.

Badou smiled slowly into Haine's hair, loosely holding him close. Moment savoured, time to talk. "Could you imagine if Mimi walked in just now?"

Haine snorted. "What would she do?"

"Die of shock from seeing you cuddling me with your post-orgasm smile and go to midget heaven."

Haine laughed. "This isn't cuddling. It's cold in here."

"There's still fog on the mirror."


The redhead snickered, absently kissing the top of Haine's head.

Haine flushed lightly at the kiss and nuzzled at Badou's shoulder. "I think this floor is more comfortable than the pull-out," he mused.

“Christ knows an iron maiden would be," mumbled Badou back, trying to fight off the exhaustion finally threatening to loom. Unsuccessful, he yawned.

“We should probably get up soon, so Mimi doesn't catch us," Haine sighed pushing himself up on his hands and leaning over Badou again, peppering his neck with light kisses.

The redhead whined, body lax and lazy, uncooperative. He jumped a little at a light kiss on what was no doubt becoming a dark bruise. "Oh, shit. How mauled do I look?"

Haine looked sheepish. "...sorry."

“I'll pretend I saw that secret girlfriend of mine after the job," mumbled the redhead. "She likes it when I'm all riled up from work because I'll more likely give her a blowjob."

A pause. "Wait."

Haine snorted. "Your girlfriend has a cock?"


"Better get your story straight for Mimi." Haine nipped at a purpling bruise.

“Bitches speak when spoken to?" ventured Badou. He squirmed at the nip. "Nooo. I'm not ready for round three."

Haine laughed softly. "Then we should probably get up."

"I just said I wasn't ready for that."

“You said you weren't ready for round three. But what about pajamas and Animal Planet?" Haine kissed the corner of Badou's jaw.

“Animal planet!" cheered the redhead, the mere mention of the channel energising him. He sat up slightly, pushing hair out of his eyes. "What's on tonight? Do you know?"

“Some show on the ELUSIVE SNOW LEOPARD," Haine said, excited. "People never caught them on film until this documentary."

"Holy fuck," rasped Badou, suitably impressed. "I don't wanna miss that shit."

Haine grinned. "I think it starts in like twenty minutes," he said, fetching his watch from the side of the sink," so we should get dressed and make popcorn or some shit.”

Excited, Badou got to his feet, tugging Haine with him, keeping a loose but corralling arm around the albino's waist. He ducked his head, kissing the other man warmly.

Haine tipped his head back, returning the kiss, unable to keep a grin from sneaking over his face. "I forgot to bring clothes to change into in here. Mimi's not here, right?" he said, after a moment.

“Only one way to find out. I'll jump on her bed naked if you give me three euro."

"You're on," said Haine with a laugh.

Badou smirked, reaching behind Haine to retrieve his eyepatch. After strapping it on, he materialised and lit up a cigarette, taking a deep, deep drag. Cigarette dangling between two loose fingers, he blew the smoke to the left of Haine's head, diving in for one last kiss. "See you on the other side, whitey." He gave Haine's ass a spank, turned, and kicked open the bathroom door, running out howling like all of hell's demons.

A female shriek came from Mimi's bedroom.

haine/badou, log, ooc

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