LJ Week 10

Oct 09, 2008 20:22

Under Milk What?

As a student of literature it is assumed that I will come across pieces of literature that i do not particularly agree

with, or understand. Now I hate feeling like a bitchy old critic but here goes.

Ok Dylan Thomas, you’re amazing and I admire your ability to write and everything, but I just don’t get your play!

Never have I been so confused in reading a play, and I study drama! My main concern is the fact that I can’t see

the beginning, middle and end. Call me old fashioned, but I just like things done that way. And also, what’s with

the million characters and the million different scenes… how can a character progress and grow if there in the

novel for about 3 minutes and there in every 11th scene? Although in saying that, I do credit your work because it

would have been extremely difficult keeping up with everything going on and you do it so well, it did get a bit

perplexed though. I struggled, and do continue to struggle, in knowing exactly what the point of this play was for.

To me, it was great in the way that it juxtaposed so many different stories in the entailing of one. Only so much

talent can adhere something with such articulacy. Although, I still struggle to find any meaning in the play.

Maybe Im reading too much into it? Perhaps there is not meant to be a meaning? During the
lecture someone pointed out that the juxtapositioning of each scene represents how life goes on. I like the idea of
that. It makes a lot of sense and it has truth behind it. Many people continue to pass each day, each minute, but

each of us continue living, wherever we are or whatever were doing, we continue to live. Perhaps that’s the

message Thomas is trying to imply? That’s the most I could grab for this play.

I think I should watch the play. Perhaps that will enhance my udnerstaniding of it. I tried re reading it but it

becomes a tad monotonous when you play so many different characters in one voice. Hopefully viewing the play

will assist my understanding in it.

If anyone has any comments or ideas please comment! I’d love to see everyone’s insight to “Under Milk Wood”.
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