And the prompts are back!
You all know the drill.
Readers, comment with a prompt using the following format:
I would Like:
I Don't Want:
Writers, choose a prompt and reply with a story or link to a story.
And please don't forget look over the
rules, especially if you're new to the community.
Comments 119
Prompt/Request: Neal in the rain on his rooftop terrace
Characters: Neal, anyone else (preferably Peter and/or El)
Would Like: See prompt. Can be anything, but you get bonus points for angst, post-whump and/or h/c
Don't Want: Crack!fic, primarily humor, suicidal themes
Prompt/Request: Songfic for Vertical Horizon - "Shackled". Actual song here.
Characters: Neal, Peter, possibly Mozzie and/or Sara or others of your choice
Would Like: As Neal said to Mozzie, "Surprise me."
Don't Want: Can't think of anything specific right now.
Prompt: Mozzie's fruit basket.
Characters: Whoever you want!
I would like: Well, I'm obessessed with the Banana, but if you want to be creative with anything else in the basket, go for it. Perhaps the apple is a granade? And I really don't care what you do, perhaps Neal gets to use the banana in a dire situation, or Mozzie explains to Devlin what kind of fruits there is, I'm open for anything.
I Don't want: Well, my usual squicks: no broken hands for Neal, no heavy torture in general and nothing permanent. Oh, and no suizide (not my piece of cake in general, but a suizide with a banana would frankly freaking me out!).
Characters: Mainly Neal and as little Sara as possible.
I would like: Remember, when Neal mentioned that Sara complained about the bruises because he is tossing in his sleep? (and Peter's uncaring response?). I want a fic about that, either someone witnessing one of Neal's nightmares, or Peter really thinks about what Neal told him and paying more attention to his behaviour. Perhaps him being fidgy in the van ties into it? Perhaps Neal needs open spaces because of his time in prison? Perhaps he dreams of Kate's death every night?
I don't want: This is getting old but: Neal's hands getting broken, heavy torture, suizide (or cutting), and for this prompt no Crackfic.
I fought with this fic a little, and I know I sort of deviated from some of the suggestions you made, but I hope you like it anyway!
That was beautiful. I especially loved the ending.
Characters: Whoever fits
I would like: Someone from the DoJ taking a closer look at Peter's cases. How would Peter explain Neal's (and his) shennenigans, especially making a suspect drunk or hacking into a bank to get security footage.
I don't want: The DoJ being all hostile because he dislikes Peter or Neal or because he has a hidden agenda. He should be just a regular agent, doing his best. No Crack!fic. My ususal squick (see above). Neal and Sara still or again being a couple.
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