Collarcorner staying on LJ but backing up to DW

Apr 11, 2017 20:57

The poll leaned heavily towards keeping the community at LJ with a backup/mirror at DW. Since people could pick multiple options, there were some votes for moving entirely to DW, but no one who voted *exclusively* for that option, and no one who felt so strongly that they would refuse to participate at either platform. (I realize the voting is skewed since the vote itself is happening on LJ, but, well, those ARE the people who mainly use the comm, so ...)

Therefore, what we'll do for now is keep the main comm on LJ while backing it up regularly to DW, just in case. I'll do that once the DW import queue stops being massively backed up (probably in a few weeks when things die down).

At this point I'm not planning to run all comment rounds at both places, just because I know myself well enough to know that I would NEVER be able to remember to update it properly, plus it would spread out the prompts between two different posts and possibly get confusing and/or give people fewer options instead of more. However, I think I'll try mirroring a future round just to experiment and see how it goes -- if it actually turns out to work well and get more people playing, then we might make it a regular thing.

Anyway, the new DW comm will not be up and running for awhile yet (I'll let you know) and even when it is, things will continue to go on with few/no noticeable changes around here.

For Round 50, a number of people chimed in to support the idea of an exchange, so right now that's what I'm planning to do! It will probably be run through AO3 and will be open to everyone, not just members of the community, unless there are objections to either of those things. It'll still be gen-only, however. More information and posts to determine the exact dates will be put up later this month. :)

And don't forget the lightning round is still going on! Check out the prompts and fills, and feel free to leave new ones!

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