Thanks to everyone who weighed in with ideas and suggestions on the last post! I think I'm going to take
sheenianni's suggestion to alternate general prompting months with themed months. You may repost prompts you've posted before, but only 1 per person per round, and only if you did not post it last month. We have tons of old unfilled prompts, so this will be a good way of giving some of those more exposure!
February's round will be a general round; I'll put that post up in a few minutes. Also, this is your notice that Round 47 is now closed to new prompts.
We still have some themes from past theme polls that we haven't used yet, plus I added a few more I thought of. Please check the boxes for the ones you like best (up to 3).
Poll (For the "first sentence" one, you can totally do art fills for this too - use the sentence as the prompt for your art.)