To leave treats for
dennih23, comment to this post. All comments will be screened until on or around Nov. 14.
Name on LJ: dennih23
Name on AO3: dennih23
What kind of treats do you want? (e.g. fic, wallpapers, fanart, fic recs, icons, vids, etc) - would love fic, icons, wallpapers, and fanart
Favorite WC characters: Burke Family, Neal, Mozzie, Diana
Things you like in fanworks: Fluffy and sweet; hurt / comfort; casefic; friendship; AU’s; happy endings; anything featuring Peter or the Burke family
Things you don't like in fanworks: death fic; character bashing
Prompts: (optional - can be for fic, art, vids, etc):
-Neal and/or Mozzie babysitting for the Burkes
-Peter and Mozzie friendship - helping little Neal with a science project
-Peter is hurt during a case
- Pre series, Diana’s first case
- Casefic where Burke’s 7 has to band together to catch the bad guy
Any non-WC things you might like to receive: (e.g. your other fandoms, other interests, etc) - always looking for new recipes for soups; dog related things - especially basset hounds; book recommendations - mystery, fantasy, and historical fiction (although I read just about anything)
Anything else? Nope.