Welcome, dear friends, to The Collar Corner. What is The Collar Corner, you ask? Simply put, it's the home of the all-gen comment ficathon. Each month there will be a post. You comment with a story request, then sit back and wait as various authors answer that request. Simple as that :D
Since we're still in the developmental stages of the community, and what with National Writing Month underway, the first round of comment fic will not begin until December. This give you time to spread the word (because the more the merrier), think about what you would like to request and familiarize yourself with the rules.
Click here to read the guidelines. As it will say in the guidelines, for the sake of clarity Gen will be defined as stories not focused on a romantic pairing. Canon pairings are permitted so long at they are not the focus of the story (see example in the guidelines).
If you have any questions, feel free to post them here.