
Mar 21, 2008 19:25

Today I had my second interview at Hillcrest Hospital for the Nurse's Aid position. After I got DRILLED with intense questions, (some which I did great, some which I wanted to KICK myself after responding)...the lady gave me a tour. So she's all like..taking me through the different halls of the floor I would be working on, and I'm kinda peeking in the rooms as she explains shit to me. I look in one room, and theres this kinda scary looking man. Actually, I thought it was like an educational mannequin at first. And just as I'm looking at this man, she goes "this is our post-mortem room. Patient number 35 must have died this morning"

Fucking all nonchalantly. Like, listen lady...I am a sophomore nursing student. I haven't even been on the floor of a hospital yet, let alone seen DEAD people.

Caught me off guard. But my minor horror was seasoned with freakish intrigue. Which I guess is a good sign. A sign that maybe my freakish self really WILL be able to deal with the creepiness of hospital horrors.

The ass wiping, I am still not so keen on. Bedpans, bed baths...**shudder**
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