i don't have anything to say except the oc is on in 6 minutes.
i had my physics midyear today, i guess it went well for all the 20 minutes of studying i did. only 5 left! tomorrow = spanish and english. WOOOO. i need to read cliff notes speaking of which...
oh god these next 3 days are going to be pure hell. save me?
yeah so i'll just do this for my method of procrastination.
[spell your first name backwards] neelloc
[age] 17
[where do you live] stoughton
[four words that sum you up] vivacious lively animated vivacious
[wallet] i don't do wallets
[hairbrush] i don't do hairbrushes
[jewelry worn daily] necklaces brisk gave me, summer bracelets, cmb bracelet, class ring
[pillow cover] changes weekly
[coffee cup] um...
[shoes] adidas sneakers or browns usually
[cologne/perfume] nope
[piercings] ears but i don't wear earrings ever unless i'm really dressed up
[clothes youre wearing now] purple pajama pants, quincy youth basketball tshirt, gray old navy sweatshirt...i'm soooo hotttt right now
[wishing] that i wouldn't have 5 midyears to go :\
[after this] i'm going to watch the rest of idol and then oc
[talking to] brisk, cormick, ami, kyle, chasey
[eating] nothing
[fetishes] fresh hair cuts, gray sweatshirts, holding hands (who could it be?)
[some of your fav. movies] beauty and the beast
[somthing youre looking forward to in the upcomin months] february vacation, track ending, florida, my birthday, april vacation, prom, graduation, SUMMER
[last thing you ate] spaghetti and meatballs
[something youre hella afraid of] tornados, couldn't really tell you why...
[if you could have any animals as pets what would they be] i want a pony really bad
[three cities you wouldn't mind relocating to] nyc, san diego, miami
[some of your fav. foods] spaghetti, that's it thanks
[something you wish you could understand better] life
[miss someone you haven't seen in a long time] i don't really miss anyone right now
DO YOU...:
[like candles] some
[like incense] they make my eyes water
[believe in love] yes
[believe in soulmates] um, in a way, yeah...but in a way, no. hard to explain
[believe in love at first sight] nope
[believe in forgiveness] most things, yes. but some just can't be
[want to get married] yes even though i never will
[want to have kids] i say i do, but everyone knows i won't be able to give birth...haha
[believe that you know the person that youll marry at this point in time] nope
[cried] nope
[bought sumthin] nope
[gotten sick] nope
[sang] yes
[eaten] yes
[been kissed] nope
[felt stupid] ummm probably
[wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't] yes
[met someone new] no
[moved on] no need to
[talked to an ex] no
[missed an ex] no
[talked to someone you have a crush on] yup
[had a serious talk] the comparison and self-analysis of pacey and scott was somewhat serious haha
[missed someone] lil bit
[hugged someone] yes
[fought with your parents] no
[dreamt about someone you can't be with] nope
[best girl friend(s)] rbds + meghan brisk
[best guy friend(s)] chuk scott jj rand before he stopped talking to me
[boyfriend/girlfriend] i seriously have 6
[if none, current dating partner] haha i guess scott can be considered my current dating partner, if that's any different than a boyfriend...
[hobbies] i never know how to answer this
[pager/cell] hit up my pager
[are you the center of attention or wallflower] neither
[car you drive] laugh it up
[would you rather be with friends or on a date] depends on my mood, can i do both at once cuz yah thats nice
[job] nope
[attend church] sometimes
[like being around people] yes except when i'm a) tired b) sick c) at track
[have you known the longest] brian maltby haha
[do you argue with the most] my mom, coach clarke/blonder
[do you always get along with] cormick
[who is the most trustworthy] cormick, meghan
[who makes you laugh the most] mostly everyone except if you're a member of the track team (with exceptions of brisk, cormick, danae, ange, sarah, and ryan leo)
[who is the nicest girl(s)] cormick as voted by her peers!!!!! :\ ....heheheh jk cormy
[who is the nicest guy(s)] clancy for the most part, justin oldfield
[who has the coolest parent(s)] umm...i like everyones
[who has the coolest sibling(s)] matty o, no doubt
[who is the most blunt] sarah or danae probably
[is the smartest] brisk
[who is your role model] my parents i guess
[pet peeves] oh god this would take all day
[ever liked someone you had no chance with] yes
[ever lied to your best friend] um...i try not to
[ever wanted to get revenge on someone b/c they hurt you] yeah sure
[cried over the opposite sex] i hurt my knee
[have a certain "type" of person you go after] assholes, i go over this daily
[rather be dumper or dumped] dumper, i have no heart
[rather have a relationship or "hook-up"] in between, relationship might be nice tho, better than just a hook up
[what is your fav. part of your physical appearance] my muscle on my lower leg/shin cuz me and danae realized its the best thing about me
[what is your fav. part of your emotional being] hahahha
[are you happy with yourself] i supposeee
[are you happy with your life] i supposeee
[if you could change one thing what would it be] that some people didn't live so damn far away
and to add:
have you ever been in love] yes
bye kids...