-- who's coming with me? i really want to see mates of state. it's free!
jury duty was fun, i was sad that i didn't get picked to be on the jury. i thought it was going to be really boring, which i guess it kind of was, but hope said it was kind of interesting too, and i agree that it was. the trial was about some guy that used a forged instrument -- in this case, a forged check -- to try to get money from the bank. i guess that's pretty boring, but i thought the jury selection process itself was rather interesting. and it gave me a lot of free time to catch up on reading. while i was waiting around for hours, i got to finish reading the perks of being a wallflower for the second time, which i started again like six months ago and haven't read since. there was a major part of the story that i totally missed the first time i read it, so i'm glad i re-read it. i'm so bad at reading. and it was nice to read it again because i was looking at it from a slightly different perspective, now that i'm a few years older and done with my first year of college. and i started reading e: the story of a number, again. it's all about the number e (the natural log) and the history behind it. i got it as a prize for being a high scorer in math team in 11th grade i think. jury duty was also cool because i met a cute girl named jen who graduated from pine bush last year. she was the only other person near my age, and she was really nice too, even though we didn't talk much. but i guess i won't have to do jury duty again for another six years. and by then, i will probably be too old and busy to enjoy hours and hours of sitting around and waiting with nothing to do. growing up is cool and totally sucks at the same time. but at least i get $80 ($40 for each day - today and yesterday), which is especially good since blockbuster decided to be a cock gobbler this week and not give me any hours. plus it got me out of my internship early yesterday and completely out of it today. but i think i'm going in tomorrow to make up for the time i missed.
speaking of my internship, i'll tell you about it. the following paragraph will be extremely boring and i won't be offended if you just completely skip it.
belmay is a fragrance company. they mix a bunch of different chemicals together to make certain fragrances that they then sell to other companies to go in soaps, shampoos, candles, air fresheners, etc. currently, on the floor of their plant (which is located in the industrial park in chester), they have shelves and shelves of many different sizes of containers. each container has a label that says the chemical's name, serial number, and its location on the shelves. i am working with a nice gentleman named keith, who is actually part of an independant contracting agency called dp&c that does engineering work for belmay, to work on about three projects for belmay. the projects are the implementation of a barcode system for faster and more efficient batch processing; the consolidation of the approximately 84 different container sizes into four or five; the purchase and installation of an automated storage and retrieval system for these containers; and the construction of an addition onto their plant. the first task keith had me do was cataloguing all the different container sizes, which had never been done before. i got a list of the names, numbers, and locations of all the chemicals on the floor, and spent two and half days walking around with measuring tape, measuring the sizes of the containers, counting how many of each, and recording it next to the other information on each of the 28 sheets. then i spent the rest of the third day entering all that information into a spreadsheet on the computer. on tuesday of this week i did the same thing for the containers in the hot room, which really sucked because it's like 110 degrees in there and it took me like two hours and i felt kind of sick afterwards. and i spent the rest of the day printing out these documents called "item onhand by location reports" for the top 200 most frequently used chemicals at belmay. the reports were from a server that was running in real time and said how much of each material they currently had onhand, and what location(s) it was in. this we will use later, keith explained, for when we are redesigning the layout of the plant with the proposed addition: we are going to design a logical material flow such that the most frequently used materials are in the center (located on a mezzanine so that pressurized nitrogen would not be required to pump materials; gravity will do the work) and the less frequently used ones will be on the outside. yesterday we met with bob from remstar, one of the companies we are considering from which to purchase an automated storage and retrieval system. this would allow us to consolidate the 6000 square feet currently being used for storing containers on shelves into 1000 square feet of the automated storage and retrieval system, thereby taking advantage of the high ceilings of belmay's plant. i appreciated keith and bob's kind words regarding my hard work in counting and cataloguing the eighty-something different sized containers. like i said, i got out early yesterday and didn't go in at all today because of jury duty, but i'm going to go in tomorrow to make up, even though i'm only supposed to be interning tuesday through thursday. oh, and for the first week i had to wear a lab coat that had the name "sandy" on it, but on tuesday they gave me the ones that say "colin".
last night i went to lauren's house and jordyn was there and from like 8:30 pm to 1:00 am we watched episodes from the first season of the oc because lauren bought it on dvd, and it was a lot of fun. we got through two of the seven dvds. the oc is amazing. lauren and jordyn are so nice and fun, i hope i get to hang out with them and their other friends a lot this summer. i just feel a little weird because they're all friends and i kind of feel like i'm inviting myself along and i'm the only boy but they say it's okay so i hope it is.
okay my mom just said it's time to eat dinner so i'm going to go, byyye!
E> colinsweet.