By request of annabelle_blue

Oct 13, 2005 13:18

1. You live in Alaska. What would you like everyone to know about Alaska?
That yes we have warm summers and have becautiful scenery, but we also have big cities and McDonald's like everyone else.
2. What is your greatest fear in life?
To not be able to transition and dying in this body.
3. If you could pick any character in a book or movie who would it be and why. I am looking for how they represent the you that you are today, and the you that you want to become.
Martin, in Sacred Country by Rose Tremain. Someone with a really crappy relationship with their dad and transitioned.
4. What is your favourite quote, how does it inspire you and why is it your favourite? It's a line from a Tennyson poem. "Their's not to wonder why, their's but to do or die." It kinda gets me not to think too hard and overanaylze. The whole poem inspires bravery and I like that.


5. Tell me how you and Charli met and the love story that ensued...
a website. I IMed her after reading her profile and seeing her pics. I told her she was fucking gorgeous, and it was too bad I wasn't what she was looking for. She asked what I was, and I told her FTM, before that she thought I was butch. We flirted and became friends and we got real close to starting a relationship a couple times, but charli would get scared of what other people would think and how she would id if she was with me. I was hurt, but I loved her and was willing to be in her life in whatever capacity was comfortable for her. After another attempt at getting close, she backed away but then was like oh we need to talk and I was nervous. I waited on IM for her to say what she needed to, I knew talking about her feelings was hard for her. Once she got up the courage, she told me she loved me and was tired of running away and wanted to work something out. We didn't say anything to friends right away, we wanted to start this not based on their opinions. Although a lot of our mutual friends asked us all the time if we were together, I guess they could tell we were in love. We talked about her visiting, and I thought it wasn't gonna be until next year, but we IMed and she said she could visit sooner. Now she is here with me and I couldn't be happier.
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